i put the link below but basically an 8th grade girl and her greandparents are suing her school for $500,000 for showing
Brokeback Mountain in class (it was a substitute that showed it) saying the girl suffered emothinal distress....
i personally think half a million is WAY over the top, but that the teacher shuold be fired for her lack of judgement (my problem mot being that she showed a movie depicting homosexuality, but that she showed an R rated movied to a class of 12 yr olds)...what do you think (read the article for more details)
and BTW i saw the movie and loved it...but i am also a grown straight woman...my kids who are 2,4, and 6 were not allowed to watch the movie with me
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I am a gay and I am with you for a number of reasons. It not just the sexual content, it was the emotional distressing content, and a level of violence in the movie that is inappropriate for children IMO, hence the R rating. I have a 12 year old nephew and I could not imagine him viewing this movie. Why? Because it is loaded on every level and the comprehension of the complexity of the emotion it presents would be lost on him. Would it cause him to have emotional distress? Probably not given all violence our youth are exposed to on TV, and in video games etc. But the complexity of the emotions presented would be lost on him because he is a kid
Secondly I think the suing is very steep and is based on a level of homophobia on the behalf of the grandparents. There has been inappropriate material shown in classrooms before, but this will create a media stir because of the homosexual content. So while I agree with your perception as to why you would not show it to a kid, that is not solely the intention IMO of the suing grandparents.
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A half a million dollars for %26quot;emotional distress%26quot; is a bunch of crap. They are greedy money hungry parasites who deserve nothing.
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I agree - the movie contains nudity, violence, and offensive language. If you want to show a gay-friendly movie to 12-year-olds, show Trevor. Brokeback Mountain is definitely of an adult nature.
But $500,000 is G*d damned ridiculous.
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I seen that to and it was great yes the teacher should of got fired he didn%26#039;t even ask to show that movie and yes a million is just to much so now i know that the teacher messed up big time
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I have to agree with you and Sandstone here.
Yes, the parents are greedy, worthless trash...but the teacher NEVER should have shown an %26quot;R%26quot; rated movie unless it was educationally valid and parents were given permission slips to sign BEFORE such a movie was shown.
The teacher should have her credentials revoked. She wasn%26#039;t actually %26quot;Teaching%26quot; anything..she used the movie as a babysitting tool!
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That is an insane amount of money and if this poor child was so distressed she should have stood up and asked to leave the classroom.
p.s I do not agree that the movie should have been shown but this amount of money is just greed
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i would have to agree with you opinion. the teacher made a bad judgement call, before hand they should have gotten parental consent being that it is an R rated movie. letting parents know what their kids were viewing. i think 500,000 is ludacris for %26quot;emotional%26quot; distress but im sure the courts will throw it out.; its not appropriate to show R rated movies to 12 yr olds regardless if its gay affiliated. its bad judgement as a teacher.
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No offense to the gay comminity but teachers should not be showing a R rated movie to 8th graders. I feel bad for that girl and she is too young to understand the whole gay thing yet.
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if we cant talk about religion in school, why can they show gay and trans-gender media? we send our kids to school for an education, not to get gay, religion, and global warming shoved down the kids throats. the only think that should be in school is, math, literature, history and science.. and all the other like world religions, psychology, PE, and electives etc. Its like the that one school where the prom king was a she dressed like a guy cause she%26#039;s gay. i personally have nothing against them weirdo%26#039;s but there%26#039;s no place for that propaganda in schools. keep to the basics..don%26#039;t play broke back mountain, don%26#039;t play AL gores awfully (stupid movie) truth. stick to the facts. stick to what we can teach our kids so they can succeed in the world when they get out of school. Personally i wouldn%26#039;t have sued for money, rather the resignation of the teacher. have her credentials stripped, the administration is who should be sued.
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I say %26quot;Sue the crap out of %26#039;em!%26quot; - the GLBT community take every opportunity to shove their lifestyle choices in our kids faces. I guess they paid attention to history - this sounds just like the way the Nazis indoctrinated the Hitler youth. Keep your sexuality out of the classrooms.
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