i just recently heard that SCHOOLS do not teach anything but abstinence sex education. i heard the government will not fund any sex education for schools that isn%26#039;t all abstinence. from what i heard they don%26#039;t teach about birth control or condoms or safe sex or what to do it you do get pregnant. all they teach is don%26#039;t do it.
i don%26#039;t know what it is that makes people think that teaching kids about sex is going to go out there and have sex. NOT teaching them is only going to make it so they are not prepared and don%26#039;t know how to protect themselves against pregnancy and STD%26#039;s.
people say that the teen pregnancy rate and teen STD rates are going up because kids are irresponsible little horn dogs who aren%26#039;t thinking to protect themselves and it never occurs to anyone that if they were taught about safe sex and given condoms they would be prepared.
so my question is do you think that it is better to have kids properly taught the consequesces of sex or continue the ignorance?
TEENAGERS and PARENTS an TEACHERS can i have your opinion about the sex education taught in schools?
I 100% agree with your post.
My high school did mostly touch on std%26#039;s and %26quot;peer pressure%26quot; of it. Whether it be from your boyfriend/gf or classmates of popularity etc.
I mostly learn what I know from self education. I would read up on it of the human body, relationship issue%26#039;s, sexual organs etc. My mom also enlighten me as I brung it up/asked questions.
It is sad that our government, mostly President Bush thinks it can be ignored if taught only abstains. Never the less, we are sexual human beings and it won%26#039;t be ignored. It will only get worse.
It isn%26#039;t just up to the school system either. It is up to your own self. If you don%26#039;t educate your own self, then obviously not mature yet to have sex. So, it takes more than just school as well.
TEENAGERS and PARENTS an TEACHERS can i have your opinion about the sex education taught in schools?
What country do you live in? In the US or at least in Oregon they teach safe sex practices right along with abstinence. I think that is the best method there is. Teaching them that nothing is 100% safe except not doing it but there are safer ways of doing it if you choose.
TEENAGERS and PARENTS an TEACHERS can i have your opinion about the sex education taught in schools?
Well, The ONLY 100% foolproof way to aviod pregnancy and STD%26#039;s IS TOTAL 100% ABSTINANCE!!
TEENAGERS and PARENTS an TEACHERS can i have your opinion about the sex education taught in schools?
worst teachers ever........................... fekin stupid as hell he was, he couldnt spell gnome........
TEENAGERS and PARENTS an TEACHERS can i have your opinion about the sex education taught in schools?
I just graduated high school last year and took it easy so one of my classes were child development and this class somewhat teaches the risks of having sex...mianly stds and pregnancy. What my complaint is that they are so busy teaching students in that course all the stds that can be treated and hiv and aids of course which cant be treated but they dont teach them about the most common std that out there. HPV. Therefore kids are thinking its okay to still have sex as long as they use protection but if only they knew about HPV and that 80 percent of people have it and that they can still get it with or without a condom. I think teaching about HPV would help out alot. but yea there goes my rant...
TEENAGERS and PARENTS an TEACHERS can i have your opinion about the sex education taught in schools?
In my opinion, teaching your child about safe sex is no more giving them permission to have sex, than telling them to wear a seat belt is encouraging them to get into a head on collision.
I have told my niece and nephews that my belief is that they should wait until marriage. Emotionally, physically, and spiritually, I believe that is what is best. I was a 27 year old virgin when I got married and I have no regrets.
My husband was not a virgin and cannot name all the women he has slept with. He had an AIDS test before we started dating.
Ignorance is just plain stupid......yes, abstinence is best, but PEOPLE LIKE SEX and they have it. I don%26#039;t think teenagers should, but they do....should they wind up pregnant or worse...dead...because of it.
There was this really odd woman at my church that would not allow her children to participate in sex ed, and she has 4 illegitimate grandchildren between two children.
This abstinence only thing is a product of a Republican Right government and people who want to blindly impose their beliefs on other people. I say this as a Christian....not some immoral awful sex crazed perfect.
AIDS/HIV is up with this administration as is teen pregnancy and STD....Abstinence should be stressed because of the physical and emotional benefits, it is the parents job to impress morals on a child....but because we live in the real world alternatives need to be given.
TEENAGERS and PARENTS an TEACHERS can i have your opinion about the sex education taught in schools?
I know that when I went to school they taught us not only abstinence , but also about safe sex and about what to do if you got pregnant . But , with people the way they are today its no wonder kids are so mixed up about Sex . Now , my parents were old fashioned and wouldn%26#039;t talk about it , but at school we did get vital information and from that I made up my own mind about what I wanted to do with my body . Kids are not going to not have sex in this society that we live in today . And parents need to start telling kids the truth even to young children these days , because of all the Sexual Predators that are out there lurking in wait to hurt the innocent children . Teach them about good and bad touch and whos allowed and who isn%26#039;t aloowed to touch them and when also . Go to the America%26#039;s Most Wanted web site and it gives alot of Vital information for teaching children safety . There is an old saying that goes %26quot; Curiosity killed the cat , but Information brought it back %26quot; . I think that the kids who get the nformation they%26#039;re looking for are better at making the right choices than the ones who are simply told not to do it .
TEENAGERS and PARENTS an TEACHERS can i have your opinion about the sex education taught in schools?
i agree that not giving children all the information about sex is irresponsible. in a perfect world, all our children would go to school, sit do everything their teachers and parents say and that would be that. unfortunately that is not the way the world is. i think we are setting our children up for sexual failure by not teaching them EVERYTHING about sex. that%26#039;s probably why i see at least 1,00 sex questions from teens on here every day. not to mention the countless %26quot;i think i%26#039;m pregnant%26quot; 15 year olds. however, i also believe that it is not the schools place to be teaching my child about sex. this is a topic that should be talked about at home, often, and at an early age.
TEENAGERS and PARENTS an TEACHERS can i have your opinion about the sex education taught in schools?
I have no idea what you%26#039;re talking about, in regards to the sex education being funded by the government. However, my personal opinion is that the majority of sex education is best left to the parents.
A sure-fire way to NOT get STDS or get pregnant is to... not have sex! Studies have shown that teenagers who are sexually active are more likely to be depressed than teenagers who aren%26#039;t. I%26#039;m not saying that no one should have sex at all, but I think that the best option is to wait for marriage. That way it%26#039;s much more special and enjoyable.
And I%26#039;d like to point out one fault in your reasoning... Kids put off doing their homework. Or they forget a textbook at home/school. Or they don%26#039;t do chores. How can you expect a kid to remember and more importantly, DECIDE to use protection each and every time he/she has sex?
And what if it%26#039;s heat of the moment? Is the guy just going to stop and say, %26quot;Wait a minute, I forgot to use a condom, I%26#039;ll just go get %26#039;em now?%26quot; Or is the girl going to say, %26quot;Hold on, Joey, you don%26#039;t have protection. I think we%26#039;ve got some in my underwear dresser. Let%26#039;s go get it.%26quot;
*shrug* I doubt it. And by the way, I%26#039;m a teenager.
TEENAGERS and PARENTS an TEACHERS can i have your opinion about the sex education taught in schools?
For reals what country do you live in? Here in USA they teach abstinence and %26#039;safe%26#039; sex practices. They tell us the risk factors [STD%26#039;S HIV AIDS] and whatnot.
TEENAGERS and PARENTS an TEACHERS can i have your opinion about the sex education taught in schools?
we just give the puberty talk to the 5th graders during gym class.We use this web site : www.kidshealth.com
TEENAGERS and PARENTS an TEACHERS can i have your opinion about the sex education taught in schools?
they say not to do it, but they DO go over safe practices.(condoms, the pill, female condom...) people hear abstinence-only and they go nuts. calm the ***** down already. like kids dont know about condoms anyway...
TEENAGERS and PARENTS an TEACHERS can i have your opinion about the sex education taught in schools?
i didn%26#039;t even have any sex education and i%26#039;m 17 years old. what i know now i learned from my older cousin. i think it%26#039;s stupid to just teach abstinence, cuz they know the kids these days are so horny they%26#039;d screw a horse if it had the right parts. yet, still, due to political correctness, they refuse to teach about birth control. you could skip out of sex ed if you don%26#039;t want to participate in it. knowledge is power, and these kids are getting all of the wrong ideas.
TEENAGERS and PARENTS an TEACHERS can i have your opinion about the sex education taught in schools?
this is sad too.
but we live in the USA and it seems like they teach it%26#039;s okay to have sex at a young age and not to wait until your married,
this is causing a lot of unwanted baby%26#039;s in the world and now the MORNING AFTER PILL IS OUT THERE this to is teaching that if you get knocked up just buy the pill and kill the problem you made go away,bs, that%26#039;s all,if this is teaching our kids about sex,then keep them home until they are grown,amen and don%26#039;t let them watch TV or talk on the phone and never let them look at the other sex.
bs again, if they don%26#039;t learn about it in school the rights of not having sex before the right age,or till married,then home is where the heart is I%26#039;ve heard and if it doesn%26#039;t start there don%26#039;t cry if your sons and daughters come up with baby on board,no one told them to have sex and no one will,this is not the states fault but our own.
we still have to teach it at home but i do understand it why or why not at school.
i will always be live that the schools just over look the part about if you get pg you can always get it stopped.
we need to try harder to ask our kids about what they do when they go out and who they where with,and so on.....
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