Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why whenever i hear an political type advertisement do i constantly hear about tax cuts?

and when they happen people complain about schools having to close down and not being able to supply students with neccesary supplies and teachers pay gets cut and they get fired and cant hire more because to ease class size all this causes grades to drop causing more loss of funding and produce more and more stupid people that cnat get good jobs and file for unemployment destroying the econemy and then people complain about the crime rate and say the police are inept but nothing can be done because cops are paid by the government which is funded by taxes and when forest fires go out of control people blame the fire men but they cant control them because they dont have the man power and supplies because they get paid by the gov and it is funded by the taxes and people complain when roads and buildings are in dissrepair but they cant be fixed without tax money so wyh do people continue to vote to lower them

Why whenever i hear an political type advertisement do i constantly hear about tax cuts?

The democrats are promising to raise taxes, though tax revenue is up since the last tax cuts were put in place.

Politicians continue to vote for unnecessary spending in their home districts in order to get votes. That unnecessary spending is decreasing the money available for necessary items. Get rid of the pork and the government would need less than half the money it takes in.

Politicians over promise in order to get the votes. That%26#039;s the bottom line.

Why whenever i hear an political type advertisement do i constantly hear about tax cuts?

Ok, I want your vote. Should I tell you I have to raise taxes or tell you I%26#039;m gonna cut taxes? It does not matter what I do eventually it means your

vote or not. I could care less about you. I want your vote thats all.

Why whenever i hear an political type advertisement do i constantly hear about tax cuts?

Because people want all the things taxes pay for but don%26#039;t want to pay for it.

But what could actually lower taxes AND increase available funds is to aggressively cut Government waste. Also, Government and those who are entrusted to run it should have a big chunk of their legal immunity removed.

There should be serious accountability for misuse and waste of taxpayer money. When appropriate, government officials should be fired or removed from office and in some cases held liable in civil and or criminal court. The waste of funds is rampant. Some examples:

Austin, Texas - The City approved a $750,000 FORGIVEABLE loan to a local restaurant that was being forced to move because of a hotel development. They are moving just a little bit down the street into a building they ALREADY own. And after 5 years of making payments they will owe about $700,000. But if they have made those payments, are still in business and have kept 15 employees... The remaining debt of $700,000 is cancelled and the money is their%26#039;s! Meanwhile the city is facing a looming MULTIMILLION dollar budget deficit. The City Owned Electric company is not open to regulation because it is NOT competitve.

Jails everywhere seem to be overcrowded and we need to build more jails. It costs Travis County $40 a day to house an inmate but, the county for YEARS has had an ongoing problem with OVER DENTION because they can%26#039;t keep track of an inmate%26#039;s served time in a timely matter so inmates are kept in custody for a few extra days or sometimes weeks. So how many beds are occupied that shouldn%26#039;t be and how much money has been spent at $40 a day on inmates that shouldn%26#039;t be in custody anymore?

The War on Drugs? Not to encourage drug usage but we certainly didn%26#039;t learn from prohibition. Let%26#039;s spend Hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars to not even put a dent in the drugs coming into the country. Let%26#039;s also loose out on a hefty sin tax for every drug dollar spent and the income tax from the dealers. Wouldn%26#039;t the money currently spent on this %26quot;War%26quot; (farce) benefit us better by providing universal health care, short term and long term disability benefits, education, job training, extended unemployment benefits, help for the homeless, and actually take care of our Vetrans. How many people would then not even develop a drug problem because they needed to %26quot;escape%26quot;?

Texas Medicare QMB - After a receipient has been covered for over 10 years why is money spent month after month to send an eligibility form and every year a renewal pack of forms that then have to also be processed.

Now these are just items of waste that required no effort to locate. Imagine how many more there are....

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