Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What's a good school appropriate movie about school shootings?

At my school, we are reading the book Give a Boy a Gun, by Todd Strasser. In case you don%26#039;t know, it%26#039;s pretty much based off of Columbine, where a couple of teased highschoolers get some guns and go shoot everybody and their brother at a dance, and then themselves. Well, my teacher was talking to me and she asked for a recommendation for a movie related to the book that wasn%26#039;t rated R or higher. I said no, but I thought I might ask here. Any Suggestions?

What%26#039;s a good school appropriate movie about school shootings?

Try Gus Van Sant%26#039;s %26#039;Elephant%26#039;- not sure what rating it has.. oops is R... well if you can swing it- try and get it- takes some getting used to but it does show the utter pointlessness and has an amazing mood.

What%26#039;s a good school appropriate movie about school shootings?

Elephant. It%26#039;s a good movie that reflects the Columnine shootings. I%26#039;m not sure if its rated R or not, but its a interesting movie, and you should recommend this to your teacher.

What%26#039;s a good school appropriate movie about school shootings?

I wouldn%26#039;t go with Elephant, it%26#039;s a very artsy movie, not really general viewing. I%26#039;d rather suggest Bang Bang You%26#039;re dead, movie with Ben Foster.

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