Saturday, October 31, 2009

What is the function of adding liquid dish washing detergent in this experiment?

The link shows an experiment on the effect of catalyst (manganese dioxide) on the reaction rate of hydrogen peroxide. Does the liquid detergent makes the oxygen bubbles bigger or is it a stabilizer?

What is the function of adding liquid dish washing detergent in this experiment?

The detergent is there to make the evolution of gas (oxygen) more visible. WIthout it, the oxygen evolution would be hard to see (small bubbles, hard to quantify); when detergent is present, it tends to capture evolving gas into larger bubbles which are much easier to witness. Thus you can compare the rates of gas evolution, visibly, more easily.

Detergent is also frequently used to detect leaks in air-flow pipes -- coat a little on the surface of the pipe, and anywhere that gas is leaking, bubbles can be seen percolating at the spot. Same idea as the above.

Do you agree with this Einstein quote?

%26quot;During the youthful period of mankind%26#039;s spiritual evolution, human fantasy created gods in man%26#039;s own image who, by the operations of their will were supposed to determine, or at any rate influence, the phenomenal world... The idea of God in the religions taught at present is a sublimation of that old conception of the gods. Its anthropomorphic character is shown, for instance, by the fact that men appeal to the Divine Being in prayers and plead for the fulfillment of their wishes... In their struggle for the ethical good, teachers of religion must have the stature to give up the doctrine of a personal God, that is, give up that source of fear and hope which in the past placed such vase power in the hands of priests.%26quot; Albert Einstein, reported in Science, Philosophy and Religion: A Symposium, edited by L. Bryson and

Do you agree with this Einstein quote?

I agree with just about everything ole uncle Albert had to say. My favorite is: 閳ユ翻he world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don%26#039;t do anything about it.閳?br>

%26#039;Nuff said?

Do you agree with this Einstein quote?

I agree with it completely, I mean he uses logic and common sense to come to his conclusions. I have felt that way for a long time, especially after I really studied the origins of my religion.

Do you agree with this Einstein quote?

My thoughts, exactly!

But %26quot;vase power in the hands of priests.%26quot; is %26quot;VAST power%26quot;!

See how the interpretations/copies differ from original?

Do you agree with this Einstein quote?

Yeah i agreed up untill the end. I have to say that that it is not just in the past this vast power was in the hands of the priests..... but today also.

Do you agree with this Einstein quote?

Sounds reasonable, for the most part.

Do you agree with this Einstein quote?

such wisdom flies over most peoples heads

Do you agree with this Einstein quote?

Religion was created to control the masses, to give some people a reason to exist. That was way back when, now religion is a joke that causes wars.

Do you agree with this Einstein quote?

Yes, almost entirely.

I believe tthat people should give up on supernatural religion altogether. In an organised and informed way or course.

Luke - a humanist.

Do you agree with this Einstein quote?


Rev. Steven

Do you agree with this Einstein quote?

In a lot of ways, yes. I was raised to believe in God, but I never could quite accept a fully formed Earth and all in it were just there.

Do you agree with this Einstein quote?

yes. i agree

Do you agree with this Einstein quote?


Well, I do not think that it is necessarily the case that science and religion are natural opposites. In fact, I think that there is a very close connection between the two. Further, I think that science without religion is lame and, conversely, that religion without science is blind. Both are important and should work hand-in-hand. It seems to mc that whoever doesn%26#039;t wonder about the truth in religion and in science might as well be dead.

Do you agree with this Einstein quote?


Do you agree with this Einstein quote?


thnx 4 the 2

Do you agree with this Einstein quote?

No, I do not agree with what he is saying.

God IS. He has always been and He always will be.

Mankind did not make Him up.

However mankind does make gods in man%26#039;s image for a variety of reason. There are probably almost as many manmade gods as there are men.

I have learned this not from teachers of religion but from reading the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. I have a personal relationship with my heavenly Father. How could I possibly step back from that and say that I don%26#039;t.

I have learned that the uncreated Creator is good all the time, whereas mankind is good sometimes. God is infinite, whereas mankind is finite, very finite.

Do you agree with this Einstein quote?


Do you agree with this Einstein quote?

To be honest I didn%26#039;t understand it fully to be able to make a

competent decision. I didn%26#039;t realize Al said this. I%26#039;ve always admired his mind. And I use him as my Icon on MySpace.

Do you agree with this Einstein quote?

He was a brilliant man, too bad such great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. They cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices, but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.

I'm looking for some help with my 9 year old son who may possibly have Aspergers?? Going 4 test

My son is in the 3rd grade and has absolutely no social skills(no REAL friends). I%26#039;ve noticed this for a while(since he started school)but thought he%26#039;s so smart he just couldn%26#039;t relate to his peers. His teacher this year is a mother which I think is helpful. The 2nd week of school she contacted me w/serious concerns about his lack of social interaction w/other kids. He walks alone, mumbles to himself, %26amp; totally fixated on dinosaurs. He%26#039;s been into dinos since the age of 2! He knows every fact you could imagine about dinos. He%26#039;s a fact obsessed kid. What year a book/movie/game/cartoon/TVshow etc. were made, what they%26#039;re rated %26amp; so on. He%26#039;s an A student %26amp; has no problem w/ his schoolwk. @ home %26quot;publishes%26quot; his own nonfiction books about dinos, monsters, animals %26amp; nature in general. I was told I might want to take him to be tested %26amp;the intake specialist said %26quot;sounds like Aspergers%26quot; he hadn%26#039;t seen my son but after some research,it sounds possible. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!

I%26#039;m looking for some help with my 9 year old son who may possibly have Aspergers?? Going 4 test next week...

Sounds just like me at that age. I have aspergers too.

He probably has these symptoms:

1. Does well in school EXCEPT for sports and is always the last kid picked for the team.

2. Does well with computers, but has few friends.

3. Doesn%26#039;t smile much.

4. Has trouble verbally communicating, but communicates well on the computer.

5. Totally freaks out if someone changes something in his room without notice or his permission.

Am I right?

I%26#039;m looking for some help with my 9 year old son who may possibly have Aspergers?? Going 4 test next week...

Wait for test result!

I%26#039;m looking for some help with my 9 year old son who may possibly have Aspergers?? Going 4 test next week...

Asperger%26#039;s falls under the autism umbrella. People with Aspergers are considered to be very high functioning.

I%26#039;m looking for some help with my 9 year old son who may possibly have Aspergers?? Going 4 test next week...

He certainly has the charactieristics of a typical aspergers child. I guess what you need to think is that regardless of the test results, he is still demonstrating the same characteristics. There are two main schools of thought that I have encountered regarding aspergers... one is that the child has a condition and therefore are the person they are because of that. The other is that the child can be taught to act appropriately in social situations etc... how you approach this is up to you as neither is right nor wrong.

Sue Larkey is an Autism specialist in Australia (aspergers is essentially high functioning autism). You can google her and she has a home page etc. If you email her she will be a wealth of support and information. She is brilliant at looking at the world from the perspective of a child with Aspergers or Autism

Good luck

I%26#039;m looking for some help with my 9 year old son who may possibly have Aspergers?? Going 4 test next week...

Try to find other children who have some of his interest. You can have structured play dates with them and try to help him interact with the other children. There is a child in my son%26#039;s taekwondo class who has aspergers. His therapist recommended taekwondo because he is with other children in a group setting and he interacts with other children in a controlled setting. He is not having to talk to the children but still feels he is bonding with them. He has even started to interact with them outside of class because he has something in common with them. I%26#039;m sure your sons doctor will give you lots of advice on how to help him socialize with other children. Good Luck!

I%26#039;m looking for some help with my 9 year old son who may possibly have Aspergers?? Going 4 test next week...

Hi there,

I work with children with autism. Asperger%26#039;s is on the autism spectrum but is very high functioning. But please know that there is a lot of hope. i work with clients as old as 18 but catching it at his age will improve his chances of gaining the social skills that he lacks. Defiantly take him in and get him tested as soon as possible. In the meantime, check out some of the websites that I am listing for you. If you don%26#039;t mind me asking do you live in California? If you do contact your local Regional Center they can also provide you information and free services if your son qualifies. If not there are other options in your state as well. There are many programs and therapies that will help your son. My personal advice, if he is diagnosed do not ever take no for an answer. Keep going until your son gets the services and treatment he deserves. Also educate yourself as much as you can about the Aspergers and your families right%26#039;s to treatment. Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Best of luck.

I%26#039;m looking for some help with my 9 year old son who may possibly have Aspergers?? Going 4 test next week...

most kids have some symptoms of Aspergers. It is best to wait till he is tested to find out. He just may be a high functioning kid. Not everyone has to fit into the relm of so called %26quot;normal%26quot; just wait as hard as it is .

I%26#039;m looking for some help with my 9 year old son who may possibly have Aspergers?? Going 4 test next week...

Hi there my son is 10 and has aspergers and adhd. You will get a lot of information from the specialists which will help. The only things that i would say no one told me was to be ready for reactions that are unexpected like haircuts and the start of a new school year can really result in major meltdowns(what class, what teacher, who with etc.) starting from now so we have interviews with the school and his teacher before the next year and he meets them and goes in the day before school to pick his desk, this helps immensely as any little change can be a build up and then comes an explosion.He has to have a lot of structure to his days.This is how our son deals with things.He is learning to play the guitar with 2 other kids at school and this is helping him be a little more social as there would have been no way i could get him to play any kind of sport this was recommended..He was a loner and is finally starting to play with four other friends who also love yu-gi-oh cards they all understand that he has aspergers (when we found out he insisted the teacher read a book to the class about it which surprised us but worked well) and he fills their lives with lots of interesting thoughts!)They also know when to give him space. As long as you stay a few steps in front of him it will make it easier for you eg. class changed around -he needs to know before it happens. Social stories are the best thing and can work wonders . We have always told him %26quot;Every action has a reaction%26quot;.He can still have meltdowns and will not look people in the eye and if his teacher says he is being very quiet in class and good this tells me things are not well quiet means anxious talking a lot is comfortable for him and every day is challenging and different He has a special tree to go to if things get to hard instead of running of and he carries a special card in his pocket so if something happens and he cant talk he shows this to the teacher and she lets him go to visit the first support teacher on the list of four to talk or not.We also started to use post it notes in class (He had a lot of questions constantly(12 a minute) so it was easier for him to write it get it out of his head move on then when teacher had a chance she would go through them with him and most of the time he had fixed it himself this was not about schoolwork most of the time but worked wonders he would write it on them then put them in a tissue box for later.. We did try food diets and adhd medications which actually made him worse. He is now on a muscle relaxant to help him sleep and slow his thinking at night and this is working wonders. Good luck with everything and remember to keep keep your chin up. Babs

I%26#039;m looking for some help with my 9 year old son who may possibly have Aspergers?? Going 4 test next week...

My son was dx with aspergers at 9 as well. A website and chat room that about saved us was

We started homeschooling when my son was going into grade 5 and it was the best thing we ever did. It allowed ds to mature at his own rate without the pressure of school and he%26#039;s done great. However, I kow it%26#039;s not for everyone.

Good luck. I hope the testing will give you the answer you need and help you out.

Music for 2nd graders?

I am teacher a second grade class today. I thought that music would be a good reward. I dont know what kind of music they will like. Are tere any new songs that are pg rated that i could play for them? Thanks %26lt;3

Music for 2nd graders?

you may want to invest in a disney radio hits cd. they have a few out. i first subbed in a 2nd grade classroom and played songs i thought they would like (kids songs) and they thought i was crazy. then i bought teh disney cd and they loved it.

Music for 2nd graders?


Music for 2nd graders?

Pull out the 1950%26#039;s 45%26#039;s and you can turn it into another lesson since that is what their grandparents were listening to.

Music for 2nd graders?

Check with the school librarian. You can be sure what is available has been stamped with the school district%26#039;s seal of approval.

Music for 2nd graders?

Pretty much anything with a beat. I%26#039;d suggest just play anything that you really like that is fun and up beat to listen to, it doesn%26#039;t matter whether they%26#039;ve heard it or not. First and second graders are some of the most open listeners to new kinds of music, and will accept most anything you give them. Just make sure to let them move around, maybe with some guided movement like you tap your head to the beat and they mimic you and then you change to tap the beat somewhere else and they try it too. They love that stuff.

How many people believe our country is actually run by the President Commander in Chief or?

Sometimes I wonder if the United States is actually under the direction of our President, or a board of Syndicates made up of these little Jewish guys. Not that I%26#039;m complaining, but it seems all the jewish people I have ever met in my life hold very prominent positions such as teachers, many lawyers, judges etc. Now it may be that these fine people have taken such a beaten in life that they carry an incredible work ethic that puts all other nationalities to shame. At any rate my theory cant be true because Jewish people would never make the idiot mistakes this president has made.

How many people believe our country is actually run by the President Commander in Chief or?

Actually, the country is run by all the bureaucrats

who %26quot;advise%26quot; the president. They are not elected,

and are rarely if ever held responsible for


(Eg.s : Iraq war, New Orleans aid fiasco,)

..... Scary ain%26#039;t it?

How many people believe our country is actually run by the President Commander in Chief or?

well as Ford testified when he was a young car maker. Your only as good as the people that surround you. Report It

How many people believe our country is actually run by the President Commander in Chief or?

I have met people who really believe in the Illuminati, X-Files, etc. and a lot of my friends think the Vice President is the real power behind the throne.

But in normal life, work place, neighbors, e-pals etc. the vast majority I have no idea what religion they are, and this is not something I am normally asking people about. A few are a bit outspoken such as born again Christians %26amp; there are some who I think are pulling my leg ... one gal swears up %26amp; down that she is a Druid.

I have met people I thought were good %26amp; wise of most all religions and backgrounds.

I have met people who I thought were either evil or dingbats or both, or most all religions, and other backgrounds.

Why whenever i hear an political type advertisement do i constantly hear about tax cuts?

and when they happen people complain about schools having to close down and not being able to supply students with neccesary supplies and teachers pay gets cut and they get fired and cant hire more because to ease class size all this causes grades to drop causing more loss of funding and produce more and more stupid people that cnat get good jobs and file for unemployment destroying the econemy and then people complain about the crime rate and say the police are inept but nothing can be done because cops are paid by the government which is funded by taxes and when forest fires go out of control people blame the fire men but they cant control them because they dont have the man power and supplies because they get paid by the gov and it is funded by the taxes and people complain when roads and buildings are in dissrepair but they cant be fixed without tax money so wyh do people continue to vote to lower them

Why whenever i hear an political type advertisement do i constantly hear about tax cuts?

The democrats are promising to raise taxes, though tax revenue is up since the last tax cuts were put in place.

Politicians continue to vote for unnecessary spending in their home districts in order to get votes. That unnecessary spending is decreasing the money available for necessary items. Get rid of the pork and the government would need less than half the money it takes in.

Politicians over promise in order to get the votes. That%26#039;s the bottom line.

Why whenever i hear an political type advertisement do i constantly hear about tax cuts?

Ok, I want your vote. Should I tell you I have to raise taxes or tell you I%26#039;m gonna cut taxes? It does not matter what I do eventually it means your

vote or not. I could care less about you. I want your vote thats all.

Why whenever i hear an political type advertisement do i constantly hear about tax cuts?

Because people want all the things taxes pay for but don%26#039;t want to pay for it.

But what could actually lower taxes AND increase available funds is to aggressively cut Government waste. Also, Government and those who are entrusted to run it should have a big chunk of their legal immunity removed.

There should be serious accountability for misuse and waste of taxpayer money. When appropriate, government officials should be fired or removed from office and in some cases held liable in civil and or criminal court. The waste of funds is rampant. Some examples:

Austin, Texas - The City approved a $750,000 FORGIVEABLE loan to a local restaurant that was being forced to move because of a hotel development. They are moving just a little bit down the street into a building they ALREADY own. And after 5 years of making payments they will owe about $700,000. But if they have made those payments, are still in business and have kept 15 employees... The remaining debt of $700,000 is cancelled and the money is their%26#039;s! Meanwhile the city is facing a looming MULTIMILLION dollar budget deficit. The City Owned Electric company is not open to regulation because it is NOT competitve.

Jails everywhere seem to be overcrowded and we need to build more jails. It costs Travis County $40 a day to house an inmate but, the county for YEARS has had an ongoing problem with OVER DENTION because they can%26#039;t keep track of an inmate%26#039;s served time in a timely matter so inmates are kept in custody for a few extra days or sometimes weeks. So how many beds are occupied that shouldn%26#039;t be and how much money has been spent at $40 a day on inmates that shouldn%26#039;t be in custody anymore?

The War on Drugs? Not to encourage drug usage but we certainly didn%26#039;t learn from prohibition. Let%26#039;s spend Hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars to not even put a dent in the drugs coming into the country. Let%26#039;s also loose out on a hefty sin tax for every drug dollar spent and the income tax from the dealers. Wouldn%26#039;t the money currently spent on this %26quot;War%26quot; (farce) benefit us better by providing universal health care, short term and long term disability benefits, education, job training, extended unemployment benefits, help for the homeless, and actually take care of our Vetrans. How many people would then not even develop a drug problem because they needed to %26quot;escape%26quot;?

Texas Medicare QMB - After a receipient has been covered for over 10 years why is money spent month after month to send an eligibility form and every year a renewal pack of forms that then have to also be processed.

Now these are just items of waste that required no effort to locate. Imagine how many more there are....

Why argue so much?

I used to be neither for God, G-d, Allah, Jehova, G--, Yawhe, etc.

Now, I just know the simplicities of religion: %26quot;Love G-- with all your heart and soul. Love compassion, love justice, love humility, and love everybody.%26quot;

I don%26#039;t judge. I act on what Jesus said for one very simple FACT

This is not an opinion. This is a FACT. If you chose to believe it great. If you don%26#039;t, it is your free will. G-- Bless you.

My proof that Jesus is the Son Of G--?

...Jesus is Alive!?

I would like to share my story with any Christian or non-Christian who is still struggling and faith is not all together there.

I hold G-- to the highest, and to lie would be not only against what I believe, but against G--%26#039;s laws. Nothing here is a lie, although it might seem like it. This is the reason I type this. G-- bless you all.

I am 30 years old. I am a mathematics teacher. Since the day I was born I was Catholic. I never practiced it, and Catholic was simply a family label. I considered myself Atheist for 30 years until that day in March, I believe. I was painting my Mom%26#039;s house. The face of Jesus appeared before my Mom and I. She asked me, %26quot;what does this look like to you?%26quot; But, before she finished the question I KNEW IT WAS HIM. The long hair, the beard, mustash, garments. Similar to the %26quot;Jesus%26quot; from %26quot;passion of the christ,%26quot; except the eyes. Those eyes cannot be described. They translated into love, love, and love. If I had to describe them, I would say that the closest to that has been Mother Teresa%26#039;s eyes. Not to take anything from her, but still, only close.

I thought that had changed me, but it didn%26#039;t. It did start me off though. But, now as I researched and spent countless hours learning more about him, I started hating Jews and easily angered at anyone who spoke against Jesus. It had actually made me a worse person.

As I stuggled one morning with Currency Trading, he appeared again on the cabinet drawers of my room. He faded and came back over and over until He appeared very clear and said to me: WHY DO YOU WORRY ABOUT THINGS FROM THIS WORLD?%26quot; I think he said it two or three times. I started crying, as am right now. This was the first time that Faith came into my heart.

My life started changing, slowly. Same struggles, but different attitude and determination. I prayed day and night and went to Church. But, the real test, is the acts. %26quot;YOU WILL BE JUDGED ACCORDING TO YOUR WORKS%26quot; is one of my favorites.

In one of the Churches he said to me: %26quot;YOU ARE MARKED WITH MY BLOOD.%26quot; I told my Mom and tried to make sense of it.


At moments I wonder if it was all just in my imagination. This is the mistake that I keep making for this is where my Faith is tested.

No matter what, I am a better person for it. I love G-- with all my heart now, and I could never go back. Nothing in this world could ever shake or disturb my Faith. Finding G-- will always be a win-win situation. Now, I live everyday to make G-- proud of me and in the process I fulfill my obligations as human and husband.

I know that I should be doing more for G--%26#039;s glory. I am shy, but will soon find the strength and power to glorify him more and more. I am still in my learning stages, but live everyday to follow Jesus Christ%26#039;s footsteps.

%26quot;pourdawg%26quot; could not be altogether wrong. But, what I know for certain is that if we are all lost souls, then we need to find G-- so that we can find ourselves in H--

%26quot;marty%26quot; tells you not to rely on feelings for that is wrong. I say to you, the problem I always made was that I thought too much and searched for contradictions here and there so that I could justify myself. But, if you think with your heart the truth will always ccome to you.


I am not here to tell you to quit your religion for they all share the great love that Jesus proclaimed. Be just, compassionate, humble and love G-- with all your heart. Share his glory by doing and not saying.


My goal now is simply to share this over and over again. I know G-- will guide me to my next step. I feel so Alive!!! Yes, even in the worst of times.

Best Answer - Chosen By You

Why do you keep posting this same story? Don%26#039;t you have something more to say? Are we all supposed to read this fallacy, and say to ourselves %26quot;oh, well that%26#039;s different! I believe now!%26quot; I still maintain you fell off the ladder and bumped your head.

Your Rating:

I chose your answer as best because you are the reason I post this. Yes, I have absolutely nothing more to say than to simply glorify G-- with my personal story. Why else would I waste my time here! I love G-- and the Son. My testimony to non-believers is and will. G-- bless you

Why argue so much?

what ??

Why argue so much?


Why argue so much?

If you love God so much then why can%26#039;t you spell out his whole name?????

Why argue so much?

I am glad you share your story. I am a believer in God. I am glad to hear that you had something in your life that brought you close to the Lord. Thank you for sharing. If this has been posted multiple times I have not seen it so unlike others, I say way to go on getting your words out there since it is important to you and I am blessed for just hearing the love in your words of your G--. Thank you for sharing that love.

Why argue so much?

we r all of 1 source, and u r the son of the same G, as is Jesus, he was totally in surrender, u took 30 years, so what, as long as u r on path. Keep it up.

What is the name of this movie, loosely based on Beauty and the Beast?

My best friend saw a movie back when she was in 6th grade, and she says all she remembers is that it was about a music teacher who was pretty deformed about the face and this girl who has to go to his house for some reason. She thinks the situations is that her family was low on money and she went to the man%26#039;s house to be a maid to raise money and she heard him in another room with a student and she went in, and saw his face and she wasn%26#039;t supposed to, but then he ended up being nice to her, and taught her to sing and made her a good singer

she remembers a scene like this

the girl stands next to the piano

he tells her to sing something or get ready to sing and she clears her throat and he says,

%26quot;You should never clear your throat before you sing.%26quot;

Keep in mind, it%26#039;s rated pretty simply b/c it was shown in a 6th grade class about 6 years ago (2001-ish).

and none of this is set in stone, this is just what she remembers.

What is the name of this movie, loosely based on Beauty and the Beast?

It%26#039;s called, %26quot;Rigoletto%26quot; (1993). Here%26#039;s a good plot summary on it:

What is the name of this movie, loosely based on Beauty and the Beast?

Man Without a Face?

What is the name of this movie, loosely based on Beauty and the Beast?



More education (rev)discrimination evidence against boys. Do we really need any more before we start


In ground-breaking research by Dr Jeremy Swinson, an honorary lecturer in educational psychology at Liverpool John Moores University has shown that boys are five times more likely to be told off in a primary school class than girls even though they are just as likely to misbehave.

They are also less likely to be praised or picked to answer a question, despite raising their hands just as often as girls.

As quoted in the Daily Telegraph (link), %26quot;The %26#039;prejudiced%26#039; views of some teachers could be damaging boys%26#039; self-belief, it is feared, causing them to do badly at school.

Dr Swinson said that this %26quot;prejudice%26quot; could explain why girls get better exam results than boys. %26quot;Perhaps some boys get disenchanted with lessons because they are being told of

More education (rev)discrimination evidence against boys. Do we really need any more before we start AAction?

The psychology is probably exactly same as the old %26#039;girls aren%26#039;t good at maths and science%26#039;. If any group of people are put down and brainwashed against something, then it leads to them in turn not doing well in it.

edit: but you wont get many answers here because most are from the usa

More education (rev)discrimination evidence against boys. Do we really need any more before we start AAction?

I agree it is a hard life being a man.

More education (rev)discrimination evidence against boys. Do we really need any more before we start AAction?

Another case of double standards. Another attempt to put boys down.

More education (rev)discrimination evidence against boys. Do we really need any more before we start AAction?

They do the same hear in the US. Boys are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD then girls. The whole system is geared for girls. Boys are different then girls from birth. They are louder, more combative, and less likely to sit still. We used to realize that and have things like recess and gym classes for them to run off energy. Now the kids are lucky to get 30 minutes a day to run. Boys are constantly being told there is something wrong with them for being male. I know it sounds crazy but perhaps we need to have separate school for boys and girls that cater to how each of the sexes learn differently. That is just my idea.

More education (rev)discrimination evidence against boys. Do we really need any more before we start AAction?

I don%26#039;t know what goes on in U.K. schools, but teachers in America do not %26quot;tell off%26quot; their students of any gender. That%26#039;s called verbal abuse.

And yes, something should be done if teachers are verbally abusing their students.

EDIT-A source for...what? What exactly do I need to provide evidence for?

EDIT-My %26quot;source%26quot; is the fact that I%26#039;ve been to American schools....and actually GRADUATED from one! Care to provide a %26quot;source%26quot; for %26quot;American, British, and Canadians schools are all the same%26quot;? When you have yours, I%26#039;ll give mine, K?

More education (rev)discrimination evidence against boys. Do we really need any more before we start AAction?

%26#039;%26#039;I don%26#039;t know what goes on in U.K. schools, but teachers in America do not %26quot;tell off%26quot; their students of any gender. That%26#039;s called verbal abuse.%26#039;%26#039;

Lol. Right... OK. Instead, they have sex with them. Lol. OK joking. Anyway, where%26#039;s your source? The U.K.%26#039;s school system is pretty much the same as America%26#039;s...and Canada%26#039;s...

EDIT: For %26#039;%26#039;American teachers do not %26#039;%26#039;tell off%26#039;%26#039; their students of any gender.%26#039;%26#039; %26lt;--- Source? I mean, why would I believe anything you say when you don%26#039;t know anything? You didn%26#039;t even know women are more likely to be depressed. Are you depressed, wenders? That%26#039;s OK. I%26#039;ll give you a hug if you want. It will make everything better.

Where are some good places to live in/near Portland, OR?

My wife and I (and soon to be daughter) are planning on moving to the Portland area in about 2 years or so. We are looking for an area that has good schools, reasonable home prices (200-225k), low crime rates, and a lot of things to do. We are quite liberal, we enjoy diversity, art, music, good bars, golf, and nice, easy-going people. She is an accountant and I am a soon to be high school science teacher. What kind of help can you offer? Thanks a lot

Where are some good places to live in/near Portland, OR?

Well, welcome soon!!

I would recommend you taking a close look at these areas across the river in the Washington side. Yes, WA has sales tax... but cost of living is lower and it has much better schools, lower crime, mellow people, it is cleaner, prettier, etc. And the %26quot;city%26quot; of Portland is 25 minutes away. I recommend: Vancouver, Camas, Battle Ground, Rigdefield.

Where are some good places to live in/near Portland, OR?

There are a lot of nice areas in Portland to live with good schools, low crims, and things to do, the problem is that most of these places are not near reasonably priced houses.

I%26#039;ve known several people who have either purchased or are renting a home in the farther our SE area of Portland, like south of Powell st maybe between 30th-75th street, housing prices are still reasonable and with the bigger influx of young married families with children moving in I%26#039;m hoping it will get nicer with time. You might have luck finding a fixer upper in a more popular neighborhood depending on size for $200,000 to $300,000, but a decent sized nicer house will easily cost $350,000 in one of the more established neighborhoods.

Where are some good places to live in/near Portland, OR?

Hard to find houses in the 200-225 range, unless you are talking about town homes. But I would recommend Tigard, Tualatin or Sherwood. Hillsboro is also nice, it%26#039;s growing, but would have the best home prices. These areas have good schools, good housing prices, great neighbors, and close to berry picking! Our area is 14 miles south of portland. It%26#039;s a perfect blend of liberal and conservative, but everyone is open minded.

Check out for housing ideas and areas. If you have questions, just email me through my avatar. I work in HR, and I help people relocate here sometimes.

Is Gattaca appropriatte for 12-year-olds in a private school(also religious)?

My bioligy teacher(straight from a public school) is showing us Gattaca in class. We%26#039;re only about 15 minutes into it, and already we%26#039;ve seen at least 5 inappropriate parts. I think the movie is rated PG13. Should we try to get her to stop, or just let her show us it?

Is Gattaca appropriatte for 12-year-olds in a private school(also religious)?

Interesting question. Yes it%26#039;s PG-13, but then you say you%26#039;re 12. My questions would be: 1) Did the teacher get permission from the administration and/or parents? Even the most innocuous films usually need to be approved, and I%26#039;d start with that question. 2) Do students have the right to opt out of seeing it? %26quot;Inappropriate%26quot; is often in the mind of the beholder. Answering question #1 should lead to an answer to question #2 3) What%26#039;s the purpose of showing it in biology class? Is it specifically relevant to the curriculum, and defensible on those grounds?

Ignore the dude who accuses you of being a wuss. There are very strict rules governing showing of commercial movies in schools (public and private), particularly to pre-teens. They%26#039;re for the protection of the teachers and school as much as for the students. So your question is legitimate. But please don%26#039;t assume the worst of the teacher (or other students, who may not be bothered), if you do take action--consider it a teachable moment for everyone. At the same time, be aware that this won%26#039;t be the first time in your life that you%26#039;ll encounter things in education that you may not like--and not everything is worth a federal case...

Is Gattaca appropriatte for 12-year-olds in a private school(also religious)?

Gattica is an awesome film. I don%26#039;t think a 12 year old could understand it. Its more for the audience who has read and enjoyed Brave New World.

The educational value for a science class I dont get, more literarry I would think. Thumbs down to this answer. Report It

Is Gattaca appropriatte for 12-year-olds in a private school(also religious)?

But this comment misses the point: it%26#039;s being shown in a school, where students don%26#039;t have an option. Awesome film indeed--go rent it. But, for better or worse, schools have rules, and the teacher could end up getting fired for not getting pre-approval. Report It

Is Gattaca appropriatte for 12-year-olds in a private school(also religious)?

You are such a wuss. How do you think you will ever grow up? Welcome the world, don%26#039;t block it out.

Is Gattaca appropriatte for 12-year-olds in a private school(also religious)?

Ask yourself if you are complaining because you are bored with the movie? Do you want to just complain about your teacher? Would you be asking this if you were watching %26quot;White Chicks%26quot; instead?

What do you think of this?

Home. A place where we belong. A place we don%26#039;t want go, sometimes. Alone. We all try to be, in this unfortunate arrangment of people that happen to be related. I sit on this chair, every day that I am here. Thinking up things to say to them and ways to get through the next day. The sucide rate is high, and I understand why. Scares on my fake friend%26#039;s rist, apparently the new fashion, how the hell%26#039;d this have to happen? At school we sit and wait for the day to be over, the teachers try to teach us, but all the do is preach stuff. Like church every sunday, no one really wants to be there and we can%26#039;t wait untill we free there.

What do you think of this?

This is the stage at which I also thought in this way. When you are little more matured your way of thinking will be totally changed. Then try to ask the same question once more.

What do you think of this?

It%26#039;s called normal teenage years. You think for yourself in a world in which you have little control.

This too shall pass. The teenage years are like a basic training for adulthood ; )

What do you think of this?

Don%26#039;t quit your day job.

What do you think of this?

It%26#039;s scars not scares, wrist not rist, and they not the.

What do you think of this?

Sounds like teenage angst, hormones, and bad grammar.

Things can only get better.

What do you think of this?

With that outlook on life I suppose things aren%26#039;t going to get much better for you very quickly.

What do you think of this?

Don%26#039;t waist your time. Adulthood is just around the corner...

Take advantage of all you can to in your education, when you are an adult you will wish you hadn%26#039;t waisted your time.

What do you think of this?

the sad thing is that people think its normal and just brush it off.

as for church, you probably should move to a smaller group that mirrors the early church in acts.. read the book of acts to see what the characteristics of a real church is.

if you can find the book by shane claiborne you might get a little more grasp of how it should work.

as for traditional church services, look, I myself dont like it. its all man made, and most groups just want to bring in more people to get more money... not the other way around.

money should be spent for the good of the members rather than for the good of the leaders or the building.

anyway, try house groups instead... and if you find a bad one, move to a different one. better than staying stagnant... God won%26#039;t turn a blind eye to someone who really seeks community with the TRUE body of Christ.

and yes. church came from the term ecclesia which means body of believers...

if the place you go to is boring, then you gotta wonder if it really has the body of Christ.. the true believers . or are those just sunday worshippers and monday backsliders.

play the song my jesus to get the idea i am talking about.

grace and peace.

How much will my Freshman year grade point average affecting College acceptance?

Freshman year, my gpa was along the lines of 3.1 for a number of reasons including problems with teachers and the general transition to highschool. I am not experiencing that horrible feeling of regret...but there閳ユ獨 nothing I can do to change that, right?

Well currently, I am averaging around an A- which is a 3.7 (out of a total 4.4). If I were to keep at this rate, how much will my Freshman year affect me in college acceptances and such? I know it閳ユ獨 awkward and such just thinking about this now, but my brother is attending his first year at an Ivy and the pressure is on. Any thoughts would be appreciated :)

How much will my Freshman year grade point average affecting College acceptance?

It would affect it some but I would worry about my Jr. and Sr year more because that is when a college starts really looking at your grades and how well you do at sports and things like that.

Do you think you are better?

One of the most effective deceptions that Satan has foisted upon Christians is the idea that certain groups are more spiritually mature than less-enlightened believers. The endless game of, 鈥淚 am more approved in the Lord%26#039;s eyes than you,鈥?divides the Body of Christ and gives non-believers a negative opinion of the Christian faith. Few people would ever openly say, 鈥淚%26#039;m a better Christian than you.鈥?It is through their beliefs and deeds that they proclaim their superiority. Listed below are six common ways people use to promote spiritual elitism.

1. Members of the One True Church

The trademark of this belief is that a particular group has a stranglehold on the truth and that there is no salvation outside of its organization. The groups hold that leaders are specially anointed by God, are in many cases infallible in interpretation of holy writings and, more importantly, are above reproach. These groups believe in what they feel are superior interpretations of scripture and they are more concerned about the doctrines and traditions of man than the Word of God.

Special revelations from God are a trademark of the One True Church. In most cases, the luster of the revelation can be found to have been tarnished by failed prediction. Bible requires 100 percent accuracy rate for all predictions that are claimed to have originated from God.

One-true-churchism leads to people questioning their salvation and spending more time worrying about their actions than on studying the Word of God and enriching their personal walk with Him.

Mark 7:9: 鈥淎nd he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.鈥?

2. The Keepers of the Law

This group of people believes in keeping Torah observance. While I see no problem with people choosing to keep the levitical kosher (dietary) laws or the Sabbath, there is a fine line between personal choice and self-righteousness.

These groups maintain that Jesus never intended for the law to go away. They base this belief on Matthew 5:17 and John 14:15, which say, %26quot;Think not that I have come to destroy the law,%26quot; and %26quot;If you love me, you will keep my commandments,%26quot; respectively.

What they are missing, however, is that Jesus clarified what He was referring to and it had nothing to do with the 613 laws of Torah. When Jesus was cornered by the Pharisees and asked which of the commandments were the greatest, He replied:

Matthew 22:37-40: 鈥淛esus said to him, %26#039;You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.%26#039; This is the first and great commandment and the second is like it: %26#039;You shall love your neighbor as yourself.%26#039; On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.%26quot; What was He referencing?

Isaiah 29:13: 鈥淭herefore the Lord said, 鈥業nasmuch as these people draw near with their mouths And honor Me with their lips, But have removed their hearts far from Me, And their fear toward Me is taught by the commandment of men.鈥欌€?

Jeremiah 31:33: 鈥淏ut this [shall be] the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.鈥?

It is impossible for the Judaic law to save anyone. The standard is too high for anyone to follow the law to perfection. The law said, 鈥淒on%26#039;t do it.鈥?Jesus said, 鈥淵ou鈥檙e guilty if you even think about doing something that is wrong.鈥?Paul warned us in Galatians that we can fall from grace by trying to follow after the law.

Galatians 2:21: 鈥淚 do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness [come] by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.鈥?

Galatians 5:4: 鈥淵ou have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace.鈥?

3. Legalists

Scripture tells us that we are to exhort fellow believers (1 Thess. 4:1). So where is the line between assisting a believer in his walk with the Lord and condemning a believer for his every thought and action?

Common sense dictates that a believer should not dress wantonly and get drunk, but common sense is not enough for the legalist crowd. That crowd feels a duty to protect people from themselves, so it creates measuring sticks in order to maintain its role as its brother%26#039;s keeper.

Based on 1Thessalonians 5:22, which says to abstain from all appearance of evil, popular legalisms promoted are: no drinking, smoking, dancing, going to movies, or attending sporting events (because beer is sold). Women can%26#039;t cut their hair or wear makeup, jewelry or slacks. Women%26#039;s skirts or culottes must be at least below the knee in length. Men must wear trousers at all times, regardless of the weather. No eating out on Sundays. Everything must be approved by a minister. The list is endless.

While I am not advocating a free-wheeling lifestyle, I am saying that we are to walk in the Lord%26#039;s light. Our deeds are like filthy rags to Him; it is what is in our hearts that matters. Legalism pits believers against one another in an unending cycle of condemnation. Additionally, it can turn people away from understanding the grace of Christ when they are made to feel that they have bigger shoes to fill than they can wear.

Matthew 23:24: 鈥淸Ye] Blind guides, who strain on a gnat and swallow a camel!鈥?

4. KJVOnlyism

Some Christians proclaim that the 1611 King James Version (KJV) is the one and only true English version of the word of God and that all other versions were corrupted by Satan.

While Rapture Ready uses the KJV for Scripture references, it is only because this version is the mostly widely quoted. Nothing is dramatically wrong with other versions of Christian Bibles such as the New King James Version, New American Standard Version, and the Revised Standard Version. However, some versions, such as the Clear Word Bible of the Seventh Day Adventists or the New World Translation of the Jehovah%26#039;s Witnesses, were specifically rewritten to accommodate private interpretations, but even these versions contains the heart of Biblical truth.

No Bible version says that Satan died for our sins. The King James Only crowd implies that positive magical qualities are attached to the KJV version, and that negative energies indwell all non-KJV Bibles. I have never found a need to go digging into the meaning of the original Hebrew and Greek. Whenever I encounter a passage that seems unclear to me, most of the time, I%26#039;m able to find some other verse that resolves the confusion.

The King James Version was written in Elizabethan English (a la Shakespeare), and can be rather difficult for people to read, especially for those new to the faith. What is more important: encouraging people to read their Bibles to learn about Jesus, or overwhelming them with language that makes understanding the text more difficult, causing them to turn to commentaries of man rather than the Word of God?

Hebrews 5:12: 鈥淔or though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food.鈥?

5. Word of Faith Proponents

This group promotes the doctrine of 鈥渘ame-it-claim-it,鈥?which says that the Lord has a storehouse full of blessings in heaven just waiting for the faithful to claim while they鈥檙e here on earth. It teaches that those in the Lord%26#039;s favor are blessed with health and wealth and that those who are struggling in life are not blessed because of their inferior relationship with the Lord and their inferior faith and trust in Him.

The biggest question here is the one of universal application. Is this teaching practical and accessible to all? Is a teaching of the Lord if it only applies to affluent suburbia but not the underdeveloped nations of the world? What application does the teaching have for believers imprisoned for their faith by atheistic, Islamic and other repressive governments?

Word of Faith promotes elitism between the 鈥渉aves鈥?and the 鈥渉ave nots鈥?by claiming that those who 鈥渉ave not鈥?are inferior Christians of inferior faith and the Lord is treating them as such.

Matthew 6:19-20: %26quot;Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.鈥?

Mark 10:31: 鈥淏ut many who are first will be last, and the last first.%26quot;

6. The Intellectuals

One of the most basic human desires is the praise of mankind. Many Christians like to impress other believers with their intellectual capabilities. Some go as far as proclaiming themselves spiritually superior to anyone who doesn鈥檛 share the same level of academic achievement.

The intellectual crowd is very harmful to the spreading of the Gospel. They motivate fellow Christians to try to master a lofty vocabulary that is often above the heads of average people. They hold the general philosophy that it is better to appear to be intelligent than it is to be understood by your audience.

The Bible repeatedly warns against trusting in the flesh for wisdom. Because Satan is a spirit being, with nearly unlimited intellectual skills, no man is able to match wits with him. Anyone who strays from the Word of God to rely on his own understanding is making a terrible mistake.

1 Corinthians 3:18-19: 鈥淟et no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.鈥?

Romans 1:21-22: 鈥淏ecause that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.鈥?

Bottom Line

Individuals who hold to an 鈥淚%26#039;m a better Christian than you鈥?mindset can always find Scripture that will support their stance. What they need to do is examine their rationale for holding to this view. If their offering of correction is not sparked from love, then one can only conclude vanity is their only motivation.

Philippians 2:2-3: 鈥淔ulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.鈥?


Do you think you are better?

Actually, the most common thing Satan does is what he did with Eve, convincing people that there is more to life that what God says. A good example of all the man made holidays. What God and Christ said to do was not good enough, so Christians had to come up with more. They had to eat from the tree to see if there was more.

Do you think you are better?

OK, so what was your question?

Do you think you are better?

Most people think their views are right and others%26#039; are wrong, and since being right is naturally regarded as better than being wrong, it%26#039;s not entirely surprising that people regard themselves as better (in at least one sense) than others. Indeed, they could be right, if their premises are valid.

Do you think you are better?

This isn%26#039;t a;s a sermon for crying out loud. Wasting your time, Love. There is no god....never was, is not now, or ever will be!

Do you think you are better?

It is a ditch that many, many people, including Christians, fall into.

Do you think you are better?

cant we all just get along

Do you think you are better?

I don%26#039;t even TRY to be better than anyone,

I%26#039;m just living my life and having fun in the process,

Have an awesome friday

Do you think you are better?

Wow, Thanks! Yes, I have learned to accept other faiths even if I do not believe them. I think you are definitely right. Thanks for sharing. It made my day!

Do you think you are better? took all that time cutting and pasting scripture into your question but you forgot to ask a;re good...

Do you think you are better?

I didn%26#039;t read all of that, but yes, I am better.

Do you think you are better?

tried to read ,sorry! but I%26#039;ve never think that i am better than anyone...........

Do you think you are better?

Who cares %26#039;bout that stuff? I%26#039;m a good kitty! I like catnip!

Now excuse me, I must lick my butt.

Do you think you are better?

Since Christians proclaim to be the only way to God, that would make them influenced by satan, right!

Do you think you are better?

You forgot that one of the biggest characteristics of Christ was humilty and charity above all. So how can you be humble and charitable whilst being judgemental and forcing your belief on someone else, you cant.

For God so loved the world He sent His only begotten Son, does not state for just one group of people, His Son%26#039;s death is for everyone.

Thanks for the enlightening words. God bless you always.

Do you think you are better?

Individuals (we all know this) are all different. We were all raised in different situations in different parts of the world with different parents/peers. Experience in life has lead us toward our own paths. The problem with religion is that no two people are alike- so how can there be so many rules. Christians incorporate their own belief system and values and social status into their preaching. (they%26#039;re not the only ones) Come one way is better than another- and we all know this.

Do you think you are better?

Yes what you are saying is all very true, however what gets me the most is that Christians take a back seat to the Jews, why they don%26#039;t even realize that the God of Abraham is not the father of Jesus, because if that were the case the Jews would be Christians. But they know Jesus is not the son of the god of Abraham.

Do you think you are better?

Yes. I am better. That WAS the only question you had, right? I didn%26#039;t read much of the rest as it became quite clear early on that it was nothing more than self-righteous, holier-than-thou, condescending bullsh!t.

Have a super day!

Do you think you are better?

You aren%26#039;t much better than a minister or pastor in a christian church. You take a verse here and a verse there to develop and enforce a point of view. Even the devil can quote verses - God is comes from within hearts, no matter what religion. All must read for themselves and allow God to speak to their hearts, not mankind. Christianity is like all religions - no one lets the words of God speak for themselves, when did God give any man the right to speak on his behalf? Christians talk of Jesus, but all Jesus%26#039; own words were of brotherly/sisterly love of humankind.

Do you think you are better?

Back to your original question, God made all people equal. He sees and views everyone equally and He gave each one of us different yet equally important gifts to share among everyone.

It is us, ourselves, who pridefully act as though we are better. We are not without sin and only shows us that we need to be completely dependent on Christ alone. For He can develop the true character alone.

Do you think you are better?

If people didn%26#039;t think they were better and deserved more then they would not see and reject what they believe is a failing, faltering or false church. There are so many kinds of Christian churches, each with its dogmas and doctrines and beliefs and doubts that to say that you are better is not necessarily a condescending judgement, but a spiritually mature discernment. We are told to know them by their fruits. We make choices based on discreet value judgements. If I strongly reject something, then I think I have the right to say it may be below me, or at a minimum, it%26#039;s not for me. I do believe that some churches are definitely more spiritual mature and advanced than others, if not by knowledge, then by spirit, charity, faith and works.

Do you think you are better?

Who are the True Christians?

Down through history, God has always set apart and marked those who truly serve Him by keeping His commandments and His LAWS. The Apostle John was inspired to write: %26quot;He who says, 鈥業 know Him,鈥?and does not keep His commandments, is a LIAR, and the truth is not in him%26quot; (1 John 2:4).

The true God does not even hear our prayers unless we keep His commandments! %26quot;And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS and do those things that are pleasing in His sight%26quot; (1 John 3:22).

God further states: %26quot;Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the DOCTRINE of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the DOCTRINE of Christ has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do NOT receive him into your house nor greet him; for he who greets him shares in his evil deeds%26quot; (2 John 9鈥?1).

This true teaching鈥攖he matter of OBEDIENCE to the true God and His LAW鈥攊s of PARAMOUNT importance in the eyes of God! Even in the final book of your Bible, the book of Revelation, this standard of OBEDIENCE is used as a sign of IDENTITY of God鈥檚 true Church down through the ages.

Notice! Speaking of the true Church, which has to flee from the Devil at the time of the end, God says: %26quot;And the dragon [Satan the Devil] was enraged with the woman [the true Church], and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ%26quot; (Revelation 12:17).

And, at the very END of your Bible, as His final message to YOU, God states: %26quot;Blessed are those who do His COMMANDMENTS, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city%26quot; (Revelation 22:14).

True Christianity then, the Christianity of Christ鈥攊s a WAY of life! It involves the Living Jesus Christ living His life within us by the power of the Holy Spirit. Then we can truly worship God in the way He tells us to. We will be given spiritual LOVE to have the genuine out-flowing concern, the patience, the kindness and the mercy we need toward our fellow human beings.

Through His Spirit, we will %26quot;walk with God%26quot; on a daily basis鈥攔eflecting Jesus Christ in every facet of our lives. We will overcome the downward pull of sin and鈥攖hrough Christ in us鈥?we will SURRENDER to let God form within us His very nature and character. And so God Himself will prepare us and qualify us to RULE with Christ in the coming Kingdom of God soon to be set up on this earth! %26quot;And he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations; 鈥楬e shall rule them with a rod of iron; they shall be dashed to pieces like the potter鈥檚 vessels鈥? as I also have received from My Father%26quot; (Revelation 2:26鈥?7).

For real Christians are called not just to be %26quot;nice%26quot; people鈥?NOT just to %26quot;roll around heaven%26quot; all day with nothing to do. Rather we are called to join with Christ in RULING this world and bringing genuine peace and JOY to the earth when Christ鈥檚 Kingdom becomes a glorious reality at His Second Coming. That is the very purpose for those called now to be true Christians.

Do you think you are better?

What the heck are your asking us? Make is short and simple. Your %26quot;question%26quot; is so incredibly long, I%26#039;m pretty sure no one is going to read through all that.

Do you think you are better?

I started out as a Catholic. Stayed that way for 12 years. Then I got to see the adults ( y%26#039;know the ones in charge) behind closed doors, behaving like the service message applied to everyone but them. I guess they were special. So I tried some non-denomination churches. I met lots of nice people and had lots of fun but... the same kind of thing happens. That is when I realized that us poor people are flawed and no matter how hard we try. we screw up often. Then we go get forgiven and we are %26quot;saved%26quot; . I quit going to church completely once I realized that the majority of people I saw treated mass as their shower for their soul. You can go out and get as dirty as you want then come in here and have yourself washed clean, figuratively speaking. That isn%26#039;t the idea I want to encourage so I keep my own faith. I don%26#039;t need to be told what is wrong or evil. I don%26#039;t need to worship in a building with other people. I don%26#039;t need to be encouraged to help my fellow man (or woman) . If you see someone in need and you can help ,then you should. If you see someone who needs protection, or advice, or just encouragement and you can take a few seconds or minutes to help then it is your duty as an adult to do so. I don%26#039;t believe I am better than anyone but I know I am happier than most and I try to do the right thing when oppurtunity knocks. Since most religions have many of the same virtues I really don%26#039;t get all the hate. You do realize that eventually you will find out the truth when your time is up.

Do you think you are better?

I agree with some disagree with others, but for being against legalism, you sure have the idea that your way of viewing things is the only way. I am KJV only and for your info it is not about splitting Christians it is about conserving the truth of God. My KJV only stance is rooted in Love of God and love of God%26#039;s Word, so if you want to pass judgement on my way of thinking, be as legalistic as you want to be.

Do you think you are better?

can you please stop writing sutch long explanations?

Do you think you are better?

Answering this question as a agnostic there is a simple and underlying reason for the attitude of superiority...Progress. Direct conflict is perhaps the greatest motivation for progress in terms of culture, technology, and even genetics. The race to procure limited resources in essence leads us to edge out the %26quot;losers%26quot; out of the race. The spiritual, national, or ethnic unity we seek as a means of effecting a superior stance over other competitors are sought in a premeditated manner and are re-actively created by others as they perceive the threat posed to themselves.

Do you think GREGOR MENDEL was sent just before DARWIN for a reason ?

Did God had a sense of humour ? - a monk called Gregor Mendel actually ended up as THE FATHER OF GENETICS. Unlike Darwin%26#039;s %26quot;blending theory%26quot; (proven false), he actually came up with his theory and proved it true through a practical application of probability, math and statistical methods. By contrast, Darwin and his followers have been unable to prove it for 120 YEARS. Such a theory would have entered the dustbin by now except that the only other viable theory available is that creatures were created by design by another entity and this is not acceptable to science.

Mistakes of Darwin - his theory of %26quot;blending%26quot; and complete ignorance of Gregor Mendel%26#039;s work proving inheritance of traits (published only a few years before his own)


Darwin閳ユ獨 theory stated that evolution can change one type of organism into another. He also thought the father閳ユ獨 contribution 閳ユ競lended閳?with the mother閳ユ獨, and that a trait which supports survival would become reproductively dominant over time. Darwin did not have a clear understanding of the laws of inheritance of such traits, because they were discovered a few years earlier by an Austrian monk, Gregor Mendel. In the 1900 geneticists incorporated Mendel閳ユ獨 four laws of inheritance into Darwin閳ユ獨 theory. They called the new theory 閳?neo-Darwinism 閳?in which the individual units of inheritance were generation to generation. For example, when Mendel crossed a pea plant having round seeds with one having wrinkled seeds, all the offspring in the first generation were round peas, not 閳ユ競lended.閳?The wrinkled seed gene was present, suppressed by the dominant round-seed gene. However, wrinkled peas appeared in one-quarter of the offspring in the second generation. Blended traits do not exist. Now we know that mutations cause chemicals changes to genes.

What Evolutionists Say We Ought to See

If neo-Darwinism were true we would expect to see strong evidence of change from one species to another (for example, ape to man, or descent with modification from a common ancestor). We should see the traits follow the genetic laws of Mendel and appear relatively stable from one generation to the next. However, dominant genes do not become more dominant as had been hoped by those favoring Darwinian evolution. Mendel閳ユ獨 laws of inheritance only explain microevolution, such as natural or domestic breeding of desirable changes or variations within plant and animal species.

For macroevolution to occur we ought to see something which dramatically changes the genes, something like gene mutation, a proposed mechanism to provide an increase in species complexity. We should see the effects of beneficial mutation and natural selection making significant changes in species. While mutations can be increased by heat, chemicals and radiation, most mutations are harmful. Most lead to structural impairment, genetic diseases and death. (The ratio of harmful to beneficial mutations is at least 10,000 to one.)

What We Actually Observe in Nature

We observe microevolution both in nature and through purposeful domestication within species. We do not observe macroevolution. Purposeful domestication (selective breeding) has been used to produce changes or desired variations within many species for more than 2000 years. Examples include cats, dogs, beef and milk cattle, race and plow horses, roses, wheat and corn. All have been changed through microevolution which follows Mendel閳ユ獨 law of inheritance, not the concept of blending traits envisioned by Darwin. Scientists admit macroevolution cannot be observed under natural conditions. If it happened, it occurred in the distant past and would be too slow to observe now.

However, in laboratory experiments, fruit flies have been altered to grow legs from there heads, one of many freakish major mutations possible. These changes were produced by large doses of radiation to greatly increase the mutation rate and alter genes. These changes neither created a new structure (just altering existed ones) nor changing the fly into a new kind of insect. These flies may breed under laboratory conditions, but cannot survive in nature because of this harmful mutation.

Davis writes, 閳ユ发utation does not introduce new levels of complexity, and it cannot be shown that it is a step in the right direction. Most observed mutations are harmful, and there is no experimental evidence to show that a new animal organism or even a novel structural feature has ever been produced from the raw material produced by mutations.

What Scientists Say

Some scientists promote evolution despite the lack of evidence. Others point out the failure of evolution. 閳ユ翻here is no debate within the scientific community over whether evolution has occurred, and there is no evidence that evolution has not occurred,閳?writes the National Academy of Science of the U.S. In 1995, the American National Association of Biology Teachers stated, 閳ユ翻he diversity of life on earth is the outcome of evolution: an unsupervised, impersonal, unpredictable and natural process of . . . descent with genetic modification that is affected by natural selection, chance . . . and changing environments.閳?

Many secular scientists disagree. Pierre-Paul Grasse of the French Academy of Sciences writes, 閳?No matter how numerous they may be, mutations do not produce any kind of evolution.閳?Molecular biologist Michael Denton says, 閳ユ翻he failure to validate the Darwinian model has implications which reach far beyond biology.閳?Information theorist Hubert Yockey writes,閳?One must conclude that, contrary to the established and current wisdom, a scenario describing the genesis of life on earth by chance and natural causes which can be accepted on the basis of fact and not faith has not yet been written (Information Theory and Molecular Biology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge). Ferguson says, 閳ユ藩cientists are particularly loath to relinquish the last form of prejudice . . . It must be true because anything else would be unthinkable.閳?For example, Dawkins says, 閳?. . . the only alternative explanation of the sudden appearance of so many complex animal types in the Cambrian era is divine creation, and [we] both reject this alternative.


Charles Darwin had rascist theories that were linked directly to his THEORY of evolution. The followers of Charles Darwin considered him to be highly EVOLVED and called him a genius. His seminal work in this area led his cousin Francis to create theories of EUGENICS,(Francis, cousin of Darwin is called FATHER OF EUGENICS) widely employed by the Nazis to annihilate Jews, Gypsies and handicapped children in World War II and now actively followed by %26quot;Planned Parenthood%26quot; in America and other anti-human (or selective human) organizations. Interestingly Charles Darwin%26#039;s children were all born sickly.



Because the only other theory is intelligent design and creation by God and this cannot be accepted by science. Even then, the acceptance of evolution requires a leap of faith and an ability to see how random molecules or proteins came together even over millions of years, similar to that required in religion. Darwin might be called the %26quot;god%26quot; of atheists and rejecting their long-dead unproven god causes them to get angry just as it would any religionist.

Do you think GREGOR MENDEL was sent just before DARWIN for a reason ?

You should read John Campbell%26#039;s article %26quot;Rhetorical Analysis of Darwin%26#039;s Origin%26quot;.

Its kind of what%26#039;s been happening in scientific thought since the beginning of science. Theories aren%26#039;t always necessary accepted for the weight of the scientific evidence alone. Sociopolitical and religious ideologies play a great role in the receptivity of ideas. I recently wrote a paper on the influence of Malthusian population thoeries and the Ideas of Progress influencing Darwin along with a misinterpretion of Newton%26#039;s mechanistic philosophies that contribued to the accptance of Darwin%26#039;s theory.

Read also Michael Ruse%26#039;s %26quot;Darwin and Design%26quot; or Peter Bowler%26#039;s %26quot;Evolution: The History of an Idea%26quot; both talk about the great deal of rhetoric that went into the formulation of the theory.

Where one model, Mendel%26#039;s model was able to make predictions, another model, which was purely theoretical (common descent still unproven) was accepted b/c it justified the Victorian%26#039;s ideas regarding progress and the advancement of humankind, it also justified the population struggled described by Thomas Malthus.

It was similar to what happened with Johannes Kepler who in trying to convince the established scientific community of elliptical orbits and non uniform circular motion and his defense of Copernicus%26#039; heliocentrism, was largely ignored despite the fact his model was able to make accurate predictions, the same goes with the ancient Babylonians whose astronomy was able to make far better predictions than later Greek astronomy. The reasons for the rejection were mainly a result of the biases held by the established scientific community. It doesn%26#039;t matter how truthful a particular theory may be or its ability to make accurate predictions, its about extrascientific factors and biases that allow for theories to be accepted or rejected.

And a reply to the last part of the question, though Darwin may be accused of being the %26quot;god%26quot; of the atheists he at best was a %26quot;muddled theist%26quot; according to a letter Darwin wrote to J. Hooker regarding his theological stance.

A good thorough read of primary sources is a good place to start when trying to understand the history of science.

--my two cents :)

Do you think GREGOR MENDEL was sent just before DARWIN for a reason ?

Since when did there need to be a reason to exist? And to answer your question, no.

Do you think GREGOR MENDEL was sent just before DARWIN for a reason ?

Sorry im short on time and just read the opening but some corrections, Mendal was not really before Darwin but almost coexisting. However, Darwin did not know of the works and so could not prove his natural selection and evolutionary theory using genetics. Also Darwin didn%26#039;t believe in blending theory. He was the one who really somewhat skeptical of blending but didnt know how to prove what seem to be randomization of the genes. What really screwed up Darwin and encourgaed the skeptics was people like Lamark who thought on ideas like inhericance of acquired characteristics.

As for the rest of whether their is %26quot;proof%26quot; or not, I%26#039;m really intermediate. You make some good points.

Do you think GREGOR MENDEL was sent just before DARWIN for a reason ?

Possible Exception to his laws of Inheritance.

In 2005, scientists at Purdue University discovered in arabidopsis an alternative to previously known mechanisms of DNA repair, which one scientist called a %26quot;parallel path of inheritance%26quot;. It was observed in mutations of the HOTHEAD gene. Plants mutant in this gene exhibit organ fusion, and pollen can germinate on all plant surfaces, not just the stigma. After spending over a year eliminating simpler explanations, it was indicated that the plants %26quot;cached%26quot; versions of their ancestors%26#039; genetic code going back at least four generations, and used these records as templates to correct the HOTHEAD mutation and other Single nucleotide polymorphisms. The initial hypothesis proposed that the record may be RNA-based Since then, alternative models have been proposed which would explain the phenotype without requiring a new model of inheritance More recently the whole phenomenon is being challenged as being a simple artifact of pollen contamination. %26quot;When Jacobsen took great pains to isolate the plants, he couldn%26#039;t reproduce the [reversion] phenomenon,%26quot; notes Steven Henikoff. In response to the new finding, Lolle and Pruitt agree that Peng et al.%26#039;s did observe cross-pollination but note that some of their own data, such as double reversions of both mutant genes to the regular form, cannot be explained by cross pollination.

Do you think GREGOR MENDEL was sent just before DARWIN for a reason ?

Yeah just to screw us all up into thinking they%26#039;re right

Do you think GREGOR MENDEL was sent just before DARWIN for a reason ?

Wow! Way to bend the truth. Darwin was not a racist. Eugenics is not evil, it is the basis of sexual reproduction. Darwin was not atheist. He didn%26#039;t believe in blending theory.The reason we don%26#039;t see macroevolution is because we haven%26#039;t been given enough time to empircaly observe it, and the conditions required for macroevolution do not exist.

Evolution does not require a leap of faith, as it is supported by mountains of evidence. Religion requires the leap of faith, as NO evidence supports it. Rappunzel, Sampson, Jonas and the Whale Jack and the Bean stalk, Cane and Able. If you told these to kids they wouldn%26#039;t be able to tell which stories were from %26quot;mother goose%26quot; if it weren%26#039;t for the bible. Ironicly, Darwin married his cousin, which lead to his children being born %26quot;sickly%26quot; , as he was born %26quot;sickly%26quot; himself, and odds are his cousin had the recessive genes for the %26quot;sicklyness%26quot;.

Mutation does not produce evolution huh? The sun doesn%26#039;t provide light either, it%26#039;s God%26#039;s daily campfire.

Do you think GREGOR MENDEL was sent just before DARWIN for a reason ?

Rather too long questions and answers! I must read Darwin and see what he did try to say. If my memory is right, his main idea was natural selection. The populations of those that can survive better increase. Since they definitely carry the genes that are responsible for their traits, they transmit them to the succeeding generations, increasing such populations further.

I do not see any contradiction!

Do you think GREGOR MENDEL was sent just before DARWIN for a reason ?

I agree that there is no proof for intelligent design. However, evolution has mountains of evidence. Even without Darwin, the scientific evidence was mounting, and the theory would have emerged eventually, it was only his fortune that Wallace was not recognised widely as co-founder of the theory of natural selection. There is no evidence against evolution, just inconsistencies in how this evidence is interpreted, or ignored outright. Evolution is popular because it is logical and requires no leaps of faith, just an ability to look at and examine the evidence.

Lemarck, for all his faults, had a theory that physical attributes could be inherited, such as a giraffe reaching for leaves would result in a longer neck, and this would be inherited in its offspring. His theory had its supporters because it made sense, in a way. And it allowed for much more rapid evolutionary changes, which fit much neater into the religious theories of the age of the Earth.

But it was clearly wrong, and was proven so in the face of the much greater scientific logic of Natural Selection.

Whether Darwin was racist as you claim, or not, or what his relatives did, is entirely irrelevant. In any case, most of his work, namely on the Galapagos, involved animals such as finches and Tortoises, so racism hardly seems relevant.

His work and theory stand alongside the work of many others including Wallace, and other scientists who also worked, and still work in the field. It has been proved to be correct by every form of modern technology and science since Darwin. DNA analysis shows how all living things on this Earth have some DNA in common, from slugs to humans, and have shown that what we thought were our closest relatives, the apes, are in fact also closely related by DNA.

You promote the opinion of two scientists as representative of %26quot;many%26quot;, yet dismiss the American Academy of Science and the Biology Teachers%26#039; Association, as if there was some conspiracy to stifle debate. There isn%26#039;t. Anyone is free to present evidence, as the Intelligent Design promoters have been doing. They just don%26#039;t present good evidence. Similarly, you have not suggested any evidence against evolution, you are just dismissing the work of scientists over many years, and saying that there is no evidence. I have found scientists are openminded and quite ready to view any evidence, but like Lemarck, theories are apt to be debunked and proved wrong. I just don%26#039;t think this is going to happen to Natural Selection and Evolution.

Sorry, but you are misguided.

Can someone explain how these equations are formed?

There%26#039;s this word problem, that says:

An inheritance of $16,000 was divided among three investments yielding a total of $990 in interest per year. The interest rates were 5%, 6%, and 7%. Find the amount in each investment if 5% and 6% investments were $3000 and $2000 less than the 7% investment.

Then, I asked the teacher how you would solve this problem using the variables and linear systems. Then, she said that the equations are:

x + y +z = 16,000

0.05x + 0.06y + 0.07z = 990

x + 3000 = z

y + 2000 = z

I understand how she came up with the first and the second equation. However, I don%26#039;t understand the third and the fourth equations, and the last part of the problem, where it says %26quot; if 5% and 6% investments were $3000 and $2000 less than the 7% investment.%26quot;

Can someone explain to me how these equations are formed?

Can someone explain how these equations are formed?

I%26#039;ll try and rephrase the last part of the question:

%26quot;The amount invested in the 5% account was $3000 less than the amount invested in the 7% account, and the amount invested in the 6% account was $2000 less than the amount invested in the 7% account.%26quot;

The shortened this by ordered implication, since they put %26quot;5% and 6%%26quot; in that order, it%26#039;s assumed that, given the phrase %26quot;$3000 and $2000%26quot; after, the $3000 refers to the 5% and the $2000 refers to the 6%.

Sound good?

Can someone explain how these equations are formed?

well i think u hav 2 solve 4 x and y 1st 2 get z.

Can someone explain how these equations are formed?

Hi. It says the 5% investment was $3000 less than the 7% investment and that the 6% investment was $2000 less than the 7% investment. Since x represents the amount in the 5% investment and y represents the amount in the 6% investment, and z represents the amount in the 7% investment,

x = z - 3000 and y = z - 2000.

so, x + 3000 = z and y + 2000 = z.

Can someone explain how these equations are formed?

By saying that the 5% investment, x, is $3000 less than the 7% investment, z, it means:

x = z-3000

That%26#039;s the translation of the statement. Then if you add 3000 to both sides of the equation you%26#039;ll get what she wrote.

Another way to say it is

The 7% investment, z, is $3000 more than the 5% investment, z:

z = x + 3000

See how those are different ways of saying the same thing and their equivalent algebraic equations?

Can someone explain how these equations are formed?

x, y, and z are the amounts of money in each of the three equations. x is amount in 5%, y is in 6%, etc.

There are $3000 more in 7% than in 5%, and $2000 more in the 7% than in the 6%. That%26#039;s where the equations come from.

Can someone explain how these equations are formed?

The last two equations are from the last part of the problem, which is worded kind of stupidly.

It says that the amount that you invested at 5% is $3000 less than the amount you invested at 7%. And similarly, the amount you invested at 6% is $2000 less than the amount that you invested at 7%.

The second equation says that x is the amount at 5%, y is the amount at 6%, and z is the amount at 7%. Thus, you get the equations:

x = z - 3000 and y = z - 2000.

Rearrange these two equations and you get the last two equations that you didn%26#039;t understand.

Can someone explain how these equations are formed?

That last sentence is a bit confusing, and should divide up into 2 smaller sentences.

The 5% investment is $3000 less than the 7% investment.

The 6% investment is $2000 less than the 7% investment.

Your teacher calls the 5% investment %26quot;x%26quot;

the 6% is called %26quot;y%26quot;

and the 7% is called %26quot;z%26quot;

The third equation could also be x = z - 3000, which follows the sentence better, and is the same as her version, she just does an extra step.

The fourth equation could also be y = z - 2000, same reason.

If that%26#039;s not enough for you, then you probably need a lot more help from a tutor.

Ohio Public Schools?

Can anybody find a website that rates the public schools of Ohio by Excellent, Very Good, Good etc.? All i can find is the ratings by like student/teacher ratio. Ive googled for like 1/2 hr and cant find anything. Thanks.

Ohio Public Schools?

Ohio Public Schools?



Holding Fee for In Home Daycare?

I need to do a holding fee this summer for a parent that wants to attend my daycare. My holding policy is one weeks tuition for up to 4 weeks and then full tuition after that. I did that because I know I can find children to fill the spot reasonably fast. (not always though). But then I was thinking just charging them half the tuition weekly would be better? What sounds fair to you as a parent?

In June I will have one toddler boy leaving, he will be going to preschool starting August. And his parents are teachers so they won%26#039;t need me over the summer, so they%26#039;ll just take him out at the end of the school year... June 3rd. I have someone who%26#039;s having a baby late April and wants to start in the beginning of August, so she%26#039;ll have to hold the spot from June 3rd to August whatever. Basically two months, what do yout think is fair? I was thinking about possibly charging half the weekly rate from the beginning...

Holding Fee for In Home Daycare?

IMO, half always sounds better :)

Holding Fee for In Home Daycare?

Any day care I%26#039;ve ever used charged half the price while the child was not at school up to 2 weeks after that it was full price. I think half price the whole time would be great as a parent, but you know what%26#039;s best for your business.

Holding Fee for In Home Daycare?

We have a special spot in our contract for teachers. (If you want to email me I will send it to you, it is on the longer side for here.) Basically, in a nutshell, to hold the spot through the summer, the parent pays for the days they use in June, August and the month of September in June to hold that spot through the summer. (We give them the option of paying it through the summer in installments.) This may seem like a bit much, but remember that teachers get paid through the summer and a summer slot is hard to fill. We also have no %26quot;free days%26quot; through the year for teachers (our full time slots get one free week every six months if they pay on time), since they get a break in the summer.

Through the years (my mom and I do daycare together, and have for 10 years), the problem parents were teachers before we set out this policy. Now we don%26#039;t have any questions and they know that they are still getting a fair deal.

Email me if you%26#039;d like to see that from our contract.

Holding Fee for In Home Daycare?

half price is pretty cheap. but your company may pay the price.. for allowing this person to continue paying 1/2 price you will have to allow other parents to pay the same price.

Can anyone help me with this equilibrium question? I need as much information as possible.?

2A(g) + 3B(g) %26lt;--%26gt; C(g) + 4D(g) + energy

What happens to the equilibrium if the temperature increases while pressure is held constant? What happens to the rates of the forward and reverse reactions and what happens in the concentrations of A, B, C and D?

Please help! I am so confused! Our teacher never taught this and it will be a question on our exam! I don%26#039;t understand this AT ALL.

Can anyone help me with this equilibrium question? I need as much information as possible.?

I%26#039;m a teacher and i always give the students the %26quot;Rope example%26quot;

imagine equilibrium as a rope pulled with the same force both ways!

now if you look at the your chemical reaction energy (heath) is release from the reaction -----%26gt; so if you take the heath out (so you cool the system) the reaction ------%26gt; will be more power full so equilibrium will be moved in C and D direction.

If you heath the system (you%26#039;ll have a lot of heath that needs to go somehow --- and the only way it can go is by the %26lt;--------- reaction -- which is a reaction that use heath ).

The same with pressure (but you need to have different amounts of molecules -- in your reaction you have the same -- 5 in the reaction ----%26gt; and 5 in the reaction %26lt;----)

if you speak about concentration use the rope example. You put more of A(increase the concentration of A) , that A need to be consumed in order to keep the equilibrium.

if you take A out of system (so reduce the concentration of A) you%26#039;ll encourage the %26lt;---- reaction (reaction that release more A)

I don%26#039;t know if you%26#039;ll understand my spelling and grammar (I%26#039;m not the aching chemistry in English).

I%26#039;m just curious what grade are you on? because I teach this subject to 10th grade students (16 years old )

If you want me to try to rephrase this answer just let me know

Can anyone help me with this equilibrium question? I need as much information as possible.?

This is not exactly up my alley but perhaps I can provide a little help.

Since energy is a product of the reaction, then the reaction as written is exothermic.

If the system starts in equilibrium and heat (energy) is added, the equilibrium should shift toward the reactants. That is, more A and B and less C and D. The forward reaction is retarded by the energy and the reverse reaction encouraged.

Energy acts like a reactant product of the equation in that if you added some D it would also shift the equilibrium backward and if you added more A it would shift it forward.

Increasing temperature is adding energy.

Can anyone help me with this equilibrium question? I need as much information as possible.?

Look in the equation...

2A(g) + 3B(g) %26lt;----%26gt; C(g) + 4D(g) + energy

As energy is produced when A and B convert into C and D that means if you provide energy from outside.. then the reaction will go backwards... that is concentration of A and B will increase (increasing temp means giving energy)

You need more explanation.. mail me... ill be happy to give further explanation.

Can anyone help me with this equilibrium question? I need as much information as possible.?

first of all -



you must see that the reaction is exothermic in the forward direction . thus the temperature on left%26gt;that on if you increse the temperature of the mixture then the reaction will move in such a way so as to nullyfy the increase in temperature which will result in the backward reaction ,which will consume energy and the temperature will be lowered again. .

thus conc. of C%26amp;D will decrease and that of A%26amp;B will increase.

if you need any further explanation feel free to contact me via email.