Saturday, October 31, 2009

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

When I had to have an operation I asked the surgeon how many of my operations he had performed; his success rate and how long he had been practising. Why don%26#039;t the voters in the United States believe that experience counts? I know it counts with doctors, surgeons, teachers, etc. Why don%26#039;t they believe it counts in politics?

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

Firstly, I%26#039;d choose a good doctor over an experienced doctor as experience does not actually equal skill. For instance, my oncologist has only been practicing for two years, but he was at the top of his class in medical school and went through a rigorous residency program. There is a much more experienced, well-known oncologist in my town but to him, patients are just numbers. He sees so many patients in one day that he doesn%26#039;t even know them by name. I can%26#039;t really speak as to %26quot;success%26quot; rates with either doctor but I%26#039;d prefer someone who cares about me as a person, even if he is less experienced.

Secondly, you%26#039;re an idiot if you believe any President has ever made any decision without the input of at least two advisors. That%26#039;s why the President has the Cabinet, aides, and advisors. Seriously, no one goes it alone. Also, I don%26#039;t think there%26#039;s any way anyone can prepare to be President. Where was George Washington%26#039;s experience? He was a decent President though, wasn%26#039;t he?

As it is, if I had to choose between them as surgeons in your ridiculous hypothetical situation, I would choose Obama. Why? Because I can%26#039;t trust Hillary. She would probably try some illegal real estate shenanigans while I was under anesthesia. Then, she would try to turn my family and friends against me while I was knocked out, because she%26#039;s sheisty like that. Plus, I wouldn%26#039;t trust her not to kill me like she did Vince Foster. If I%26#039;m picking a surgeon, I%26#039;ll pick a kind person who has had rave reviews from the few people he%26#039;s practiced surgery on rather than the calculating jerk whose patients are left maimed or die on the operating table. Hillary%26#039;s many different scandals can be compared to a surgeon who, according to the gossipy nurses, comes to surgeries drunk but who weilds a lot of power within the infrastructure of the hospital.

In summation, I%26#039;d choose Obama. No hesitation.

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

Neither, I would choose a qualified, private practice suregon to operate on me.

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?


If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

NO right-winger cared a fig about Kerry%26#039;s long experience in government in 2004. Al Gore had a wealth of experience in 2000, but again, they didn%26#039;t care. GW Bush was coming off his first political job, in which he was a mere figurehead, and they chose him over the more experienced Gore. So don%26#039;t pull out the experience card now. It looks hypocritical.

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

If they were surgeons, I would choose Clinton for experience.

If I was going for entertainment, I%26#039;d pick Obamanation.

But I don%26#039;t want a surgeon (or a president) to entertain me.

Obamanation isn%26#039;t qualifed to wipe Hillary%26#039;s ***. Hillary Clinton has FAR more public service experience than Obmanation, whose %26quot;present%26quot; votes in Illinois count for nothing. She was engaged in major public service initiatives in Arkansas for 12 years, and in Washington for 16. When she was in public service, Obamanation was still smoking dope. Obamanation is an Affirmative Action candidate. People like him always over-estimate their own credentials. He has no idea what he doesn%26#039;t know. Furthermore, Clinton was improving this nation when he was just learning how to hate it.

By the way, Obamanation is losing support like a gushing carotid aertery. He needs a surgeon now!

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

A surgeon you freak.

Besides - Hillary has less experience as an actual public servant. I certainly hope the First Lady isn%26#039;t invited into the Situation Room to call the shots.

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

What is Clinton%26#039;s alleged experience? That she was married to the president? So would you go to the surgeon%26#039;s wife for that operation too?

Obama was an elected member of the Illinois State Senate while Hillary was serving tea in the White House Dining Room.

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

I%26#039;d pick Clinton.

Unless of course, I%26#039;d done something at some point in my life to piss her off, then I%26#039;d go with Obama.

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?


A focus on experience is also a way to avoid talking about qualities such as leadership, intelligence, courage, fairness, judgment, temperament and integrity閳ユ敁ualities that truly matter in a leader.

Barack%26#039;s experience has developed these qualities.

He has ten years experience in public office, more than the two other leading Democratic candidates, Hillary Clinton (six-plus years as Senator from New York) and John Edwards (six years as Senator from North Carolina).

Barack%26#039;s first eight years spent in the Illinois senate before his two years (and counting) of service in the U.S. Senate, should not be forgotten.

Far away from the Washington spotlight, he introduced, voted on and passed bills, debated with his colleagues閳ユ敃omething that was missing in Washington, where everything is settled in the backroom閳ユ攣nd arduously worked to satisfy his constituents.

Most important of all, he learned that how to work across the aisle, and get stuff done.


Obama has FOUR YEARS MORE elected official experience compared to Hillary.

CLINTON = 6yr federal senate.

OBAMA = 8yr state senate plus 2yrs federal senate = 10 years

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

natural remendies or I would go to Canada.

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

I%26#039;d probably choose the one who had more years of experiance at the small town and big capital city hospital combined than the other. Just a hint, it%26#039;s also the same one whose husband didn%26#039;t pull strings with his surgery connections to get her the job.

Haha, I shouldn%26#039;t be too harsh. I%26#039;m sure she learned plenty of stuff that would be applicible while giving the chairpeople and executives of Wal-Mart facelifts and tummytucks.

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

Senators and Congressmen do not have success rates. They don%26#039;t perform operations. And it doesn%26#039;t help if a horrible doctor has been practicing for twenty years.

You can, however, ask for a Senator%26#039;s voting record. Hillary%26#039;s record only looks worse because she%26#039;s been voting longer. They both voted to re-authorize the Patriot Act, even though Barack wasn%26#039;t a Senator back in 2001 when Hillary voted for it the first time.

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

I wouldn%26#039;t want either one of them operating on me. However, when it comes to choosing the man that I want to lead our country during this difficult time, that is a no brainer. John McCain is the only qualified and prepared candidate running. Hillary never was an option. Obama is a modern day LEARN-AS-HE-GOES candidate. No, thank you....I do not want him in charge of anything, except maybe toy soldiers.

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

Now that Brett Farve has retired from the Green Bay Packers as quarterback, his wife has announced that she will take his place. She has been watching him now for so many years, knows what to do and that counts that as experience. Fans all over applaud her decision and support her.

Between the two, I would choose Obama. Him I could trust.

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

Hillary doen%26#039;t have any more experience than Obama and her White House records show that much more clearly now that they have been released. Her experience argument has blown up in her face if you ask me. Of course if you count sucking the presidents member then.....No wonder she has resisted releasing them.

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

Maybe you could have the surgery done by somebody who was married to a surgeon for eight years.

Wouldn%26#039;t that work?

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

What has George Bush%26#039;s success rate been at handling this mess of a war we%26#039;re in?..........with all his %26quot;experience%26quot;?

or Katrina

or Health care

or Strengthening International Relations

or Rising gas prices

.......................should I continue?

Obama %26#039;08!!!!!!!!!!


Danny get 10 points for best answer :-)

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

I%26#039;d choose Obama. Hillary is experienced as a First lady and that%26#039;s all! And if she was elected, she would still be only the First Lady. Bill would never let her really be president.

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

Ron Paul.

He may have been an OB/gyn, but at least he went to medical school....

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

I would NOT pick the ANTI-AMERICAN !!!

The Elite Democrats - SUPER DELEGATES, INCLUDED - CAN AND WILL select the person that they FEEL has the BEST chance to REPRESENT the Democratic Party!!

With ALL of the scandal surrounding OBAMA, ...

He is NOT going to be their CHOICE !!!

WE NEED to make sure that EVERY man, woman, and child, KNOW how ANTI-AMERICAN Obama and his Reverend(S) ARE !!!

Would a CONTINUAL 20 years of %26quot;second hand smoke%26quot; have a negative affect on the other people in the area ??

Would a CONTINUAL 20 years of %26quot;Anti-American Preachings%26quot; have a negative affect on the other people in the area ??

John F. Kennedy, a Democrat, was sworn in as the 35th President of THE United States of America, at noon on January 20, 1961. In his inaugural address he spoke of the NEED for ALL Americans to be ACTIVE CITIZENS, famously saying, %26quot;Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.%26quot;

Please NOTICE that it said DEMOCRAT - NOT Socialist and / or Communist Democrat !!

It means this country is only as strong as the people in it. It means get off your a$$ and do something!!!


The Democratic Elite make the rules and then they change them for their convenience !!

The Elite Democrats feel like THEY know better than YOU who would be the best person to run the country !!!

By the People and For the People !!!


If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

Being as the name Clinton congers up stabbing people in the back I would say Hilary. Being as nieghter one has anything sewn up , I would wait till McCain got there He would know who to call in on an emergency at 0300

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

Clinton, because I%26#039;ve been a long term patient with a chronic disease and I know the best doctors are the ones with both the most experience and the best knowledge of other experts to call in. New doctors are fresh and excited and rarely know that the hell is going on until after long painful tests.........

after being able to read some of the other comments left here I had to come back and edit mine.

If I was white I sure wouldn%26#039;t want Obama because he attends a church that teaches hate towards all white people. He%26#039;s been going to a church that doesn%26#039;t see whites as human.

At least the Clintons actually got blacks elected to offices all across the country. And, the proof is all over the Internet and all the black politicians who have come out and admitted if it were not for the Clintons they wouldn%26#039;t have been elected. So, choosing a Clinton would be better for anyone of any color, not just whites.

All this talk about Hillary%26#039;s experience in the White House not mattering because it wasn%26#039;t documented is just plain ignorant. What married couple, who are in the exact same business don%26#039;t know what the other one knows? And, before you kids go off on Bill%26#039;s sexual exploits, remember I%26#039;m talking professional buisness. Anyone who thinks married couples don%26#039;t talk business when they are in the same business, at the same firm are either not married or don%26#039;t have a joint strategy for getting things accomplished.

And, talking about Hillary%26#039;s schedule not reflecting specific items, well, by that time they already knew the flack they were taking for allowing her to have anything other than the distribution of cookie recipes or leading the Easter Egg hunt........oh please, people, think about it. If you were married to the president wouldn%26#039;t you be privy to everything?

Regarding POTUS you really want Omarosa as our first lady? Really? Because she%26#039;s way over the top with that whole angry black woman thing to the point of she seems like she%26#039;s hellbent on getting even with all white people. Being in a bi-racial family (me) that%26#039;s not a very pleasing future I see for us.

If you were going for an operation and Clinton and Obama were the surgeons; which would you choose?

Hillary- she is much more together and wouldn%26#039;t panic if I started to bleed out. Obama would throw up his hands and scream %26quot;i don%26#039;t know what to do,Help me Hillary%26quot;

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