Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Teachers only...........?

my son turned five on sept 8th. I had questioned sending him to kindergarten since day one since he is hyper active to begin with. since he learns quickly they told me to send him. I am now having to pick him up half day since he was not behaving they figured they would work him up slowly to full time. its not working ! he does not want to be there! I was told by behavoirist that he needed a strict enviroment but its just not. he takes advantage. I know he will repeat kindergarten over at this rate, but i don%26#039;t know if i should just take him out now and have him sit home the rest of the year? or leave him in and maybe get him more discouraged over school help!!!!!

Teachers only...........?

Lay down some rules. No offense, but if he acts like that at school, he probably acts like that at home as well. That is not acceptable, and you should get that across to him. You need to lay down some rules NOW or he%26#039;s going to grow up thinking HE calls the shots. Hyper-activity is no excuse for disrupting the entire classroom. You need to do a number of things. Find someone, possibly a year or so older than him, to give him a role model. Chances are the older child will be more mature, and your child will start to reflect his qualities. Make him behave at home, and most importantly teach him life IS NOT always about entertaining him. Finally, don%26#039;t let misbehavior go undisciplined, or he will do it anyway. If you can manage to make him more responsible, you should definitely keep him in school. And even if you can%26#039;t, the best place to learn proper behavior is at school anyway, so help him make some friends and you will both be just fine.

Teachers only...........?

What is the school doing about his behavior? Are they following their disclipline policy for what needs to be done to your child for the behaviors he is doing?

I am sure having him come home after half a day is not in their disclipline/behavior policy.

I know the disclipline should start at home, but what gripes my butt is that the school does not do any disclipline.

THey SAY they do, but hey. If they were they wouldn%26#039;t be sending him home everyday.

They want the parent to disclipline at home, but they don%26#039;t do it at schools. Of COURSE the students are going to act out in school when they know no one at school is going to do anything about it!!

Find out what the legal age is to attend school in your state. Some states are 6 yrs. If yours is, you can wait until he%26#039;s 6.

Teachers only...........?

I would say that the problem is two-fold.....one, it sounds like your child is a behavior problem both at home and at school. Like the one post said...lay down the law. Also, I would look into changing his diet. Have you seen a nutritionalist before? By cutting down dramatically on sugars, you may see some results. I would also set up a meeting with the principal and the teacher to hash out what the issues are exactly. I would not pull him out....he needs to know that you are not going to back down...if you back down, you will look like you have given in. Also, do not entirely blame the school.....kindergarten teachers have their hands full, as class sizes keep increasing. Try dealing with 20 students that are like yours. Not an easy task. Communication is key. Good luck.

Teachers only...........?

I%26#039;m a teacher and a father of two (grade1%26amp; kg 3), you are facing a common thing with your son at this age.

Now or later, parents are going to face difficulty of their sons accepting school, so lets do it now.

It is correct that we need a strict environment, but we need to make hem like school some how, so let the strict ways come from home and the smooth ways come from school.

you have to encourage hem by any thing he likes, and if you can direct hem to a class of a friendly teacher, female teachers are more acceptable at this age usually, let he share small gifts and candies with his class%26#039;s new friends.

It%26#039;s not easy but it%26#039;s worth than losing time.

Teachers only...........?

I would work closely with the teacher to work out a behavior plan specific to your child%26#039;s needs, that is based on rewards. He needs rewards (and consequences) both at school and at home for the SAME behaviors so that he starts to learn that the two places are connected and that you and the teacher are on the same side. If he has a great day at school he should have a reward from his teacher as well as from you. Putting him back up to a full day is not the right reward here- a kid who is currently not crazy about school and knows that they have to behave in order to go to school MORE, is definitely going to misbehave. It sounds to me like your son is no dummy and on some level has realized that by acting poorly in school he doesn%26#039;t have to go. By pulling him out completely this year you will just reinforce this idea for him.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you and the school need to be allies as everyone has your sons best interests in mind. However, you need to speak up if you feel that they are not necessarily going about this in a way that is appropriate for your child.

Teachers only...........?

Have you considered homeschooling him? If he really has hyper activity (for 5 years it is too early to diagnose that, btw), he may also have some attention problems. He will beneficiate from a one-to-one teaching.

You also say that he learns quickly. He may be too smart for the class. At that age, what teachers do is to guide and teach behavior and discipline, so the kids learn to be sit and pay attention when they are taught. That%26#039;s against nature. Kids need to move and try new things.

He may be ok at home, learn at his own pace and with his own unique style and you may take him to meetings (cubs, community events, field trips, sports, etc.) in order to help him socialize and make friends.

If you force him into school now, he may end up having behavioral problems and hating school. A smart kid will become a depressed or oppositional and defiant child.

I know what I%26#039;m talking about. I have 7 years of experience (watching intelligences die because you are forced to teach the %26quot;average%26quot;. As a teacher, you can%26#039;t dedicate to each one of the 25 to 30 kidsm and some are slow and need more attention and some are fast and get bored soon).

I also have two sons. Both suffered at school and developed behavioral problems. Both were extremely smart and wanted to go to school before it all started. Now I%26#039;m seriously considering homeschooling.

Teachers only...........?

I agree with all of the other answers on this site about enforcing rules at home. That%26#039;s always important.

Some other things you can try:

-Make sure theres a schedule at home! Children need structure, it makes school a lot easier for them.

-Try exercising before school for 30 minutes. This helps everyone not just hyper active children. It gets the endorphins going. (Make sure you have a calming period, about 10 minutes of stretching, yoga, book reading or whatever you choose to get him back into the school mode)

-Make sure you provide one on one attention at home with his school work, if he%26#039;s missing concepts because of his hyper activity, it could hurt him for next year.

-Don%26#039;t take him out of school, just suggest that he could use another year in K.

What type of discipline do you use at home?

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