Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Who goes into the teaching field?

Are special education teachers different from general education teachers?

Is there a difference in general education and special education attrition rates?

Who goes into the teaching field?

I think special ed teachers are different... just as it takes a different kind of person to be able to teach high schoolers vs. preschoolers. Some people just don%26#039;t have the passion to work with children with special needs, and others do. Special ed weeds out those who don%26#039;t like paperwork, that%26#039;s for sure! : ) There is a lot of accountability for sp. ed. teachers, as well as lots of time spent off the clock. I love working with children with special needs because it gives me a sense of purpose, as well as great joy when they accomplish something. It reminds you not to take the small things for granted, because there are so many things that able-bodied people are able to do that some of these children will never be able to. I can%26#039;t imagine doing anything else in my life... and I think that makes all the difference.

Who goes into the teaching field?

Special education teachers face different problems and have to deal with different situations and types of disabilities. they are trained in areas that general education teachers are not. They should be people who have a strong willingness to help a child with special needs receive the best possible education they can. Special education teachers face different obstacles than general education teachers do due to the extent of disbility that the student has. For example, they are taught to deal with behavioral and functional issues as well as academic issues. They have to implement strategies for students with disabilities to succeed in areas general education teachers do not have to deal with..... more severe circumstances

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